Saturday, July 06, 2024

negroes take over french national basketball team and defeat german team nearly taken over by negroes (videos)

By Jerry PDX
saturday, july 6, 2024 at 11:22:00 p.m. edt

negroes take over french national basketball team and defeat german team nearly taken over by negroes

german team at least had two White players, french team appeared to have none, that got significant minutes, anyways. I didn't watch the whole game but a White player or two getting some token minutes off the bench doesn't change much.

The wonders of diversity. Few White players get opportunities from top-level sports because of a mass influx of negroes who aren't good at much else so they spend most of their time playing basketball (or committing crimes, assaulting White women, etc...). I've heard the french soccer team isn't much different, few White players anymore because the team has been taken over by negroes and muzzies.

I don't care that they call these games germany vs. france etc...they aren't frenchmen, or german men. To me, it's congoids vs. darkies; a-rabs vs. cameljockeys etc...

They shouldn't be in france, just like they shouldn't be in germany or anywhere else in europe. That continent belongs to White europeans, no matter what those vile political leaders say.

I recall a few years back, the dalai lama publicly stated that "europe is for europeans, refugees should go home and rebuild." That comment caused a bit of a stir but for the most part liberals, dems, woke just ignored it. Those people, especially hollyweird ones, have invested too much worship into the dalai lama because he's supposed to be some kind of guide to universal spiritual enlightenment, or some other nonsense. I never thought much of anything I ever heard him say, until he spoke actual truth about immigration:


Anonymous said...

The ones without jobs(immigrants)are able to do what they want--replace and fill up a country--while Whites go to work and see the country get darker and darker,day by day,week by week,month by month.


Anonymous said...

"I ever heard him say, until he spoke actual truth about immigration:"

The Dalai Lama was speaking in the context of his land, the seizure and dispossession by the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Adam Schiff thinks Kamala would be a "phenomenal" president and could win overwhelmingly against Trump:

Some representative shooting his mouth off doesn't necessarily mean anything but his comments are getting a lot of play in the MSM. I just watched a panel of talking sock puppets on TV echo Schiff and praise Kamala. Is the media machine gearing up to shove Kamala in our face 24/7? The prevailing opinion seems to be any kind of Biden replacement would be a lame duck candidate but Kamala has name recognition and has "served" as Vice President. Biden voters who hate Trump will have no problem shifting their vote to Kamala, she hates Whites every bit as much as Obama and Biden did and there's no other kind of candidate that appeals to self hating Whites more. Are there enough people on the fence that would shift to Kamala and get her elected?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
And the Darwin award winner of the century is....

Used his head as a launching pad for fireworks? That's using his head, gonna be tough to top that one.

Anonymous said...

The country--yes even some Whites--seems to be getting dumber and dumber all the time.There's evidence everywhere you look.Of course blacks and mex take the cake--especially if it's left out on a window sill,nyuk,nyuk nyuk.


Anonymous said...

I saw this too. Seems they have American names. Dual citizens or play in an European league?