Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Check out the l.a.p.d.'s lewd lesbian recruiting photo

On monday, november 14, 2022, I wrote, if you're a lesbian, and especially a colored lesbian, the lapd wants you!" However, I was unable to download the photo below, which was and remains on the once-great police force's main page. I just succeeded at doing so, and posted one screen capture here, and one at the original blog item.

In my november 15, 2022 homage, "Joe Wambaugh, Bill Parker, and the Thin Blue Line," I wrote,
But today, more often than not, law enforcement bosses are the biggest supporters of black and hispanic criminals, and against civilization. And today’s LAPD actively solicits lesbian and homosexual cops, with its “gay and lesbian recruitment drive.” Check out its lewd recruiting photo (I couldn’t download it), which is also the lead photo on the department’s main page, in which a butch, asian police person leans on the shoulder of a femme, White police person, with both in uniform, strongly suggesting that they are lesbian lovers, with the butch asian ready, at any moment, to jump the bones of the White one.


Anonymous said...

And a black PO-lice chief,more than likely, for the menage.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Barely resurrected,biden--from the Oval Office--spoke a few understandable lies and some unintelligible ones.If this is what 12 doses of paxlovid does for someone,supposedly with Covid,the company(Pfizer?) should go out of business.

After biden was done,David Muir and his
dem cohorts pushed the dem agenda for the rest of the time.

Trump should ask for equal time--this was as usual,noise--not news.

"Whatta man,to give up his power for the good of the country,said one nig reporter.

No,he wanted to stay--the ballbusters dumped him.They twisted his arms,his legs and probably his head a la Linda Blair in "The Exorcist".

Donna Brazille then came in and lied some more:"A true public servant,passing the torch."

Not voluntarily,but who cares about facts?

Then abc laughed at Trump for not having biden to run against..

"Trump is still bringing up biden --and he isn't running anymore"--as if Harris wasn't biden's v.p.

This is 100% noise now and 0% news until November 5th.


Anonymous said...

Reince Priebus came on with 10 minutes left and made a good point that"biden,in his speech,never said WHY he left the race."

That's what this was advertised as and it was a lie.Then Muir offhandedly threw out the statement that "crime is dropping across the country."

We know why--they aren't being reported.

A spic reporter named Maria told Muir "There's no evidence that the surge in immigration is leading to more crime."

Noise is everywhere on network tv.


Anonymous said...


GRA:As I said YEARS AGO,the owner of nbc is Comcast and the CEO is Brian Roberts--who gave out vibes,back then, that he was not a fan of White people. I spoke up often about the network's unrepentant bias for the democrats and their lies against then President Trump(by Lesta Holt and others).

On Sunday,Katy Tur and Rachel Maddow giggled and orgasmed on national tv when biden quit the race and immediately started a "harris bandwagon",which has only grown exponentially afterwards. Since then, every network has climbed onboard with the task of elevating kamala harris ABOVE the level of adoration that joe biden enjoyed--just because she is not White--or a man.

I've watched abc a lot more lately,after dumping Comcast cable for antenna(free)tv and that network's news is not much better than nnn,if at all.

They flipped the switch also and went all in on kamala harris IMMEDIATELY after Biden made his X announcement on Sunday.Who gave the order?The news president or their CEO?negro,Kimberly Godwin was the president of abc news until May of this year and was replaced by (White)Debra O'Connell.The network is owned by Disney and Robert Iger oversees Disney.

Is it O'Connell or Iger who calls the newsroom and gives the thumbs up to anchors and reporters alike that they should become over the top democrat cheerleaders?

At cbs,another Brian--Robbins--is the CEO of Paramount
and Paramount owns the network.At cbs,a black named Ingrid Cipien-Matthews was president of cbs noise,until SHE was dumped and replaced by Indian,Neeraj Khemiani.

HE left in August 2023 and 49 year old,Wendy McMahon took over the position.McMahon it is said,"was a liberal Canadian politician."

With all that information,all I can surmise is it's the CEO who's to blame for what viewers are forced to watch and be influenced by(not me though).

Those are the true scum of our nation.