Friday, July 05, 2024

"italian landowner is arrested after an indian worker bled to death in accident with farm equipment"

By R.C.
friday, july 5, 2024 at 09:06:12 p.m. edt

"italian landowner is arrested after an indian worker bled to death in accident with farm equipment" | ap news

The circle of murder: teen shot while visiting memorial for shooting victim in summerdale; 3 suspects sought

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, july 5, 2024 at 10:36:29 p.m. edt

teen shot while visiting memorial for shooting victim in summerdale; 3 suspects sought


By R.C.
friday, july 5, 2024 at 10:40:09 p.m. edt


17-second clip

Toxic arsenic and lead found to be common in tampons

Friday, July 5, 2024 at 10:47:19 PM EDT

Toxic arsenic and lead found to be common in tampons

The first study to measure the concentration of metals in tampons has found that several brands contain concerning amounts of lead, arsenic and cadmium. More research is needed to determine whether the presence of these toxic metals poses a health risk.
So, toxic shock syndrome redux?


another black empty suit

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, june 22, 2024 at 12:28:12 p.m. edt

"another black empty suit"

this is the clown/congressman who set the false alarm in a house office building awhile back ...

... in an obvious attempt to "interfere with an official proceeding" (delay a vote), which is just what the j6 defendants are slimed with doing.

I note that his wife's name is Melissa Oppenheimer Oi.

Christopher F. Rufo <>
friday, june 21, 2024 8:02 a.m.

Bowman's Folly

Bowman's Folly

The New York congressman appears to have plagiarized parts of his Ed.D. dissertation.


Jamaal Bowman, the controversial New York congressman, often appeals to his work as a former school principal and his Ed.D. in education as the basis for his policy positions.

But, according to our analysis, Bowman's primary academic work—his 2019 dissertation, "Community Schools: The Perceptions and Practices that Foster Broad-Based Collaboration amongst leaders with the Community School Ecosystem"—is riddled with basic errors, failures of logic, and multiple instances of plagiarism. (Bowman did not return a request for comment.)

Bowman has boasted about the paper on social media and considers it formative to his political orientation. When asked recently his political views, Bowman said, "I identify as an educator, and as a Black man in America. But my policies align with those of a socialist, so I guess that makes me a socialist."

The dissertation, which Bowman completed at Manhattanville College, says that "Black, Latinx, and poor White children have been historically oppressed throughout American history," and as recompense makes an argument for "community schools," a concept developed by the Brazilian Marxist pedagogist Paulo Freire, in which schools would be expanded to provide full-time government services for every aspect of society, including for adults.

His research consisted primarily of the "qualitative" variety, with Bowman interviewing 13 school administrators, activists, and parents. Each was immediately placed in a demographic box and assigned the role of oppressor or oppressed. For example, Bowman wrote that "Ms. Melendez, a parent leader at Manny Ramirez High School, was born in the Dominican Republican [sic]" and is a true member of the New York community, while "Ms. Warren, who identified racially as White, discussed being very aware of being 'a visitor in someone else [sic] community all the time.'"

Bowman's community schools model holds that the government, not parents, is responsible for children's success. Bowman quotes one school official saying, "Families don't have any deficits. If a mother is collecting welfare, so what?"

Bowman's paper relies on large leaps of logic. His limited quantitative research contradicts his basic argument in favor of community schools.

For example, Bowman looked at the outcome of community schools in New York City, referring to it with a pseudonym: "Quantitatively, the aggregate data from the Unified City School Survey were uploaded into Microsoft Wxcel [sic] for data analysis." Even though the community schools advocated by Bowman were supposed to bring the community together, in his own data, they fared worse than regular schools. "Non-Community Schools achieved a statistically significant higher mean in the area of Strong Family-Community Ties as measured by the 2017 Unified City School Survey," Bowman wrote.

Bowman shrugged this contradiction aside, saying "it is especially challenging for the Unified City Schools to foster Strong Family-Community Ties" because it is "culturally diverse." Instead of questioning his premise, he argued that "additional opportunities for professional learning in the area of Strong Family-Community Ties within the Community School ecosystem could help improve the achievement of Community Schools in this category."

Bowman's paper also appears to include multiple instances of plagiarism.

In one passage, Bowman explains critical race theory, one of his theoretical methods, by copying from another author's summary of the 2001 book, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. He takes the passages from R. Rolon-Dow without quotation marks, as required by academic authors. In the copied passage, Bowman merely substitutes "Latino/Latina" with "Latinx/Latina," following the latest academic fashion, although it appears that he misunderstood the purpose of the "x" noun ending, which is to remove gendered language like "Latina." He also inserts a typo, by changing "the intersection between race/ethnicity and caring" to "the intersection between race/ethnicity caring."

Though he credits a string of authors in parenthesis, those citations are also copied from Rolon-Dow, with her name also tacked on the end.

On multiple other occasions, Bowman summarizes other research by copying and pasting without quotation marks, instead of paraphrasing the passages to show that he has an independent understanding of the concepts. For example:

In another instance, when describing a study by other researchers, he copies verbatim, again without quotations:

The paper provides little in the way of meaningful advances in scholarship. "As a pragmatic study, no attempt was made here to generalize these data. The researcher studied the phenomenon of collaboration among leaders within the Community School ecosystem within its natural setting. This study reported based simply on the results found," it concluded.

The general observation he seems to offer amounts to a form of racial reductionism, separating people into identity categories and judging them according to their ancestry.

Bowman implied that minority students learn better from minority educators—a contention that would, if true, amount to advocating for segregated schools. Being "just like the children she served" allowed "a Black female principal" to "enact[] Critical Care as part of her transformational leadership," the paper said, referring to the version of Critical Theory that Bowman describes deploying on schoolchildren.

Bowman suggested that it may be more important for an educator to be oppressed than competent. "One can conclude that personal experiences, as opposed to professional learning or training, creates the perceptions and practices that were trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and community-driven," Bowman wrote, adding that "exemplary academic performance or professional development" was less important than "personal experiences" such as growing up as a fellow member of the minority "community."

This is the kind of dismal pseudo-scholarship that drives much of education and, unfortunately, an increasing share of political life. It should be scrutinized, as should its authors.

This article was originally published in daily wire.

Luke Rosiak is an investigative reporter for the daily wire and author of race to the bottom: uncovering the secret forces destroying American public education.

Todd Bensman on the Tajik 8

Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 02:47:56 AM EDT

Todd Bensman on the Tajik 8

Closing paragraph:

The news has been flush recently with reports of illegal alien rapists and child murderers from Latin America who were admitted into the country without vetting. The public has been rightly horrified by these criminals. But an open border invites all kinds of malefactors, and Americans should consider themselves warned that Central Asian terror cells are likely established in the homeland now and are planning to create mayhem undreamed of within our nation.  

That passage I boldfaced brings to my mind Kurt Schlichter's recent novel The Attack.  I highly recommend it (for its plot, not character development).  You can read a sample chapter at its Amazon page. 

It's good to be 75. 


"latest fallout from Biden’s border madness: ‘vip’ smuggling tunnels"

By Merlin
Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 01:47:12 PM EDT

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnels

What is the Biden Crime Family's "cut" of the cartels' earning$ at the border "the family" demolished on the day Lieden arrived in the WH?

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnel terror

The cartels offer VIP "travel agency" packages that include passage through tunnels between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas.

The fee: from $6,000 to $15,000, per US and Mexican law-enforcement officials and migrants themselves.

One migrant smuggler says Chinese migrants pay up to $75,000.

No wonder so-called VIP smuggling now accounts for 70% of cartels' criminal activity.

Migrants get squeezed.

Criminal cartels get rich.

And Americans get saddled with more illegal newcomers who may cross over totally undetected — and unvetted (though vetting of most border-jumpers has gotten pretty spotty).

There's no denying Biden policies have given rise to this new mini-industry, along with all the other migrant-disaster fallout.

His invitacion to foreigners as a candidate in 2020 — promising a 100-day moratorium on deportations, protection for sanctuary cities from federal law-enforcement agencies and a rollback of all Donald Trump's successful measures to control the border — set off a tsunami of migrants itching to get in any way they could.

Local, state and federal programs pushed by the left offering a wide range of free services — from accommodations to schooling to legal services — only sped up the flow.

And as word got out, people came from ever farther away: When Biden first took office, the hordes came mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Hence Veep Kamala Harris' apparently-abandoned mission to address the "root causes" of mass illegal migration from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — seems quaint now, doesn't it?

Now they come from Africa, South America and even Asia: Hundreds a year just from land-locked terror-hotbed Tajikstan — like the eight with ISIS ties recently nabbed in three major US cities.

With that sustained volume, of course the cartels came up with the VIP scheme.

Yet many who sign up for the VIP packages wind up running out of money and stuck hanging out with hundreds of other waiting-to-cross migrants in the camps along the Rio Grande, the report notes.

Some even get abducted — by criminal groups or even corrupt police — and kept in safe houses until they come up with enough cash to pay their VIP balances.

Meanwhile, the tunnel-service is also an open door for terrorists: No chance of being vetted on your way into the US interior.

Yes, corruption, particularly on the Mexican side, plays a key role in keeping this perverse business alive.

But it wouldn't be possible in the first place if Biden hadn't ensured that the Border Patrol was completely overwhelmed on a daily basis.

Remember: Obama Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson said 1,000 illegal crossers a day was a crisis for border agencies; under Biden, it never gets that low.

And it won't even if Biden's supposed "crackdown" ever happens (it's been two weeks and we're still waiting).

The cartels are thrilled.

For everyone else, it's just more madness.