Tuesday, July 30, 2024

nEGRO is shot dead at same “high crime” apartment complex listed in lawsuit—the one where the michigan supreme court ruled, “cops can’t question suspicious bLACKS and can’t pursue and arrest them if they run away”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, july 27, 2024 at 2:41:00 a.m. edt

“kalamazoo, mich. (wood) — the man who was shot at a kalamazoo apartment complex wednesday evening has died, police say.

“the kalamazoo department of public safety identified him as Charles Lee Weir, 30.

“kdps said the ‘broad daylight’ shooting around 6 p.m. happened in the ‘crowded’ fox ridge apartments off of alamo avenue on the city’s northwest side. officers arrived at the complex to find Weir with a gunshot wound. he was rushed to the hospital, where he died.”

[N.S.: What does it mean when an official describes an apartment complex as “crowded”? Are people doubled and tripled up in apartments? Are renters or unit owners subletting to multiple people?]

“police offered their condolences to Weir’s loved ones. they pointed to ‘gun violence’ as ‘a persistent issue’ in the community.”

[N.S.: In other words, they’re social workers posing as cops. Since when do cops offer condolences, or respond to crimes with political lectures, as opposed to hunting down and arresting (or better, helping the perps commit suicide-by-cop) the perps?]

“kalamazoo resident (White) Sophia Snipes said the issue has become part of the norm.

“‘it’s definitely a scary thought. I could just be walking down the street and get shot for either no reason or in-between a shooting. it’s very scary,’ she said. ‘I just recently graduated college a couple weeks ago, and it’s already become normal to have a couple shootings in a month near where I live. and that shouldn’t be normal. that shouldn’t be something that you shrug about.

“Snipes said sometimes, it feels like leaving the house is a matter of life and death.

“‘if there’s any weirdness going on in my neighborhood, it’s either I stay home or, you know, I hope it doesn’t — I hope I don’t end up in the grave,’ she said.

GRA: If she lives in those apartments, she has to consider herself dead White meat. The new ruling will not help.


N.S.: And we’re probably never going to know, because the cops and the media aren’t going to tell us if the vic was a (generally) law-abiding working stiff, or “in the life.”


  1. jerry pdx
    If the complex is crowded, then if the shooter missed his intended target and hit someone else, it was kinda accidental so not as bad. Then telling these people the "gun violence" is the problem shifts blame away from their own cultural attitudes that contribute to violence to some nebulous concept that isn't their fault. When you're black, you have no accountability or responsibility for anything, you're a child who is frozen in a cycle of violence and despair due to racism and are completely reliant on the White man to fix the problem.

  2. "No fault murder"--OR maybe,"Whitey's fault murder",if you believe lying blacks and media.


  3. A minor diversion on behalf of the insect world: please don't confuse "us" with "them".

    ... For readers who don’t live in the South: chiggers are tiny red mites that are also called red bugs. They’re a type of arachnid, roughly analogous to harvest mites in England. (The word “chigger” is considered rude. “chegro” is the polite word for them, but the mites themselves prefer the term “Arachnid American”....

    [source: https://gatesofvienna.net/2024/07/the-epistemology-of-flat-tires-and-chiggers/]
