Sunday, May 26, 2024

"the real reason why U.S. and french troops have been in niger for years"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sunday, may 26, 2024 at 01:23:03 p.m. edt

"the cia, in cooperation with other western intelligence assets, created al-qaeda and isis and the real reason it built a $100 billion base in niger has nothing to do with eliminating islamic terrorism. the real reason that base is there, and why the french..."

"the real reason why U.S. and french troops have been in niger for years"


Yanqui imperialism.

Like with overthrowing Allende.

Did you know that chile has over 24 percent of the world’s copper reserves? Add to this untold amounts of palladium, platinum, rhodium, gold and silver.

Or how ‘bout afghanistan?

It has an estimated $3 trillion in mineral resources.

Or consider iran.

It has the world’s second largest reserves of natural gas.

Oh, and the Big Kahuna?

That would be russia.

It has an estimated $80 TRILLION in natural resources.

Untapped, too.

Imperialism never went away.

It just morphed into the “rules-based international order.”


  1. If these were countries we were going to export our blacks to,I'd throw confetti,but after we get done in the nations mentioned,we'll probably be getting millions of their "refugees".

    All on purpose,I'm thinking,these days.


  2. Oh, how terrible we are! Yes, let's go on a guilt trip and let them manage the resources they never knew they had, it's the Jimmy and the Canal approach, the oil in Arab countries approach. Evil abhors a vacuum and oh, look, the Chinese are... colonizing Africa, what a surprise. You're welcome, Mr. Xi. All yours!

  3. "the US government estimated that more than 40% of children younger than 14 were working in mines. About 5% of the children were involved in hazardous activities"

    Quite common where ever they have mineral riches in Africa.

    Niger having uranium too.

    You can recall the Ten Commandments movie and the scene with Charlton Heston working the mud pits to make bricks. That is what is like in those mines.
