Monday, May 27, 2024

More people use (super-charged, dangerous) marijuana these days than drink (it shows)

[“professional golfer Grayson Murray died by suicide, parents confirm.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, may 27, 2024 at 12:55:00 a.m. edt

GRA: I put this under the Murray suicide story, because, I believe, there’s a connection between drug use and bizarre behavior, more car accidents and a lower IQ in America.

“(zh) for the first time, a nationwide study providing current data on tobacco, alcohol, and drug use, mental health, and other health-related issues has found that the number of people smoking cannabis daily has surpassed those drinking beer or vodka daily. this development coincides with the Biden administration’s efforts to reclassify cannabis as a less dangerous substance.

GRA: I’ve read recent reports that say, “Not so fast”—both long and short-term.


N.S.: I’ve read that today’s industrially-farmed cannabis is super-powered, and causes users to become paranoid, psychotic, and violent. This is not your father’s pot. It is a very dangerous substance.

There is a class of people who are ideological drug “pushers,” aggressively diminishing the dangers of serious drugs. During the 1970s and ‘80s, this was a pervasive type, regarding cocaine. ‘Coke has no bad side-effects! It’s non-addictive, it can’t kill you, nobody can tell if you’re on it, it gives you unlimited stamina and turns you into a sex machine.’

And then Len Bias died. Bias, of the university of Maryland, was the nation’s top college basketball player, and the #1 pick (by the Celtics) in the 1986 nba draft. Then he went to a party, did a line of coke, and dropped dead of a heart attack. He never played in a pro game.

The official story was that Bias had done coke for the first time. That was eventually exposed as a racial fairy tale. Ditto for the 1995 death of coke addict Reggie Lewis, also of the celtics. Reggie Lewis’ mother, herself a recovering drug addict, lied and said, “Reggie’s not a drug user.”

Another side of ideological drug pushing are the claims that nicotine and alcohol are more addictive than cannabis, cocaine, heroin, etc. I’d like someone to show me the lists of drug addicts in the baseball, nba, and pro football halls of fame, vs. the drunks and smokers in said bodies. You’ll find drunks and smokers galore, but very few druggies (Lawrence Taylor, and that’s about it).

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