Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day begins with yet another mass, racist, black gang attack on Whites, as town closes down boardwalk, and declaress "state of emergency"; "due to civil unrest"; msm seeks to cover up hate crimes

By N.S.

"nj shore town closes boardwalk and declares state of emergency over ‘unruly’ teens on Memorial Day weekend"

"police said they closed the elevated wooden walkway just after midnight after receiving an 'irrepressible number' of complaints about an 'extremely large number of young adults & juveniles' flooding the..."

I was able to post the following comment:

A tv news report from PA spoke of "civil unrest." That means they were rioting, which for the usual suspects means racist hate crimes. Were any arrested? Will there be any hate crime prosecutions? I heard of no arrests.

carole raybourn "I saw a lot of stringy greasy blonde hair."

N.S.: No, you didn't. You didn't see any among the r-c--t rioters.

GhostCad "Do you left out death and destruction."

carole raybourn "I agree. White tr ash is a problem."

N.S. comment permitted: You hate Whites, and yet none of the rioters was White.

Ken C "The photo shows all white kids.."

N.S. comment permitted: Running away from a stabbing committed by a non-White.

George Wells "They are not people"

carole raybourn Replying to George Wells "What are they?"

N.S. comment permitted: Evildoers, like you.

Marcus "The police have been demonized and intimidated by woke democratic politicians , prosecutors and judges.There has been adicriminalization of crime by woke democratic politicians, prosecutors and judges, As a result there has been a general breakdown in law and order across the board"

N.S. comment permitted: Marcus It's not just democrats. The President released a bunch of drug queenpins from prison early, and promised a "platinum plan" for a certain criminal demographic.

N.S.: The banality of evil. Time was, decent people thought that "liberals" (socialists/communists/whatever) were ignorant, and experience and knowledge would open their eyes ("getting mugged by reality"). But they are evil to the bone. The more they see of reality, the more they blame the victims of r-c-sm.

carole raybourn "I agree. White tr ash is a problem."

"I saw a lot of stringy greasy blonde hair."

Ken C "The photo shows all white kids."


  1. The "honest" video showed White kids--true.That's called creating a mirage,to make Whitey look like the perps.

    Then they talked with two black "witnesses" who,with a smirk from the thug boy,tried to act all innocent about what the cause was.

    "Man,it was crazy,"said negro boy with a forked tongue,"I don't know what happened,(White)people running."

    "We thought it was a quiet area,"said the negress.

    It WOULD'VE been if you two and the rest that look like you,stayed away.

    News reporting is ridiculous.

    The White guy host on the news clip looked very familiar and it drove me up the wall that I couldn't remember his last name.Mike...something.Jerrick,Jarret.He filled in a lot for various shows in the 1990s,2000's.Now he's stuck in Philly with a negress next to him and a negress reporter he has to toss the story to.

    Why is he still working?

    I looked him up--that's him.


  2. * sigh * in the Monopoly game of life, why is it that the "'unruly' teens" always draw the "Advance to Boardwalk" card but never the "Regress to Perp Walk / Go Directly to Jail" card?
