Friday, December 01, 2023

Thomas Sowell on the Origin of Jew Hatred (Interview)

Re-posted by N.S.

I believe that the virulence of anti-Semitism is based on the low numbers of Jews in the world, and lack of a Jewish state for 2000 years. And even now, the Jews share their only state with their enemies.

What about Whites? They increasingly have the same problem. Supporters of the White Genocide Project assert all of the time that because Whites are a small percentage of group x (e.g., nfl quarterbacks, as a comely, young npr operative maintained several years ago), they may be discriminated against with impunity. However, the same side will assert that because Whites are a dominant percentage of group y, they may also be discriminated against with impunity.

"Heads I win, tails you lose," is the expression of boundless hatred.

1 comment:

  1. Whitey's demographic numbers are dropping almost as fast as the number of people getting Covid vaccines,so that's not an explanation. He's giving straw black man excuses(permission)for WHY its happening,when in actuality, blackies like killing blackies too--they just like killing Whiteys MORE--and only because they're White.

