Friday, December 01, 2023

racist hate-hoaxer Jussie Smollett loses yet again! Is this it with his saga?

By N.S.

As my old VDARE colleague, John Derbyshire wrote on February 22, 2019 (!),’s Nicholas Stix—who, by the way, should you get the chance to meet him in one of our clandestine gatherings down in the catacombs, is a first-class journalist who would have been a household name back in the days when mainstream journalism meant something more than just parroting the CultMarx narrative—Nicholas Stix called hoax on January 29th, the very day it was first reported.

Steve Sailer expressed a guarded skepticism the following day:

“‘This one is so absurd-sounding… that I’m wondering if it might not be true.’”

“As Steve went on to point out, Smollett’s tale apparently didn’t sound at all absurd to Bigfoot media commentators and Democratic Presidential candidates. They swallowed it whole.

In my chosen lifetime mission as Sailer’s Bulldog, I took a similar line in the February 1st Radio Derb:
I’ll allow… that it might have happened, probability in the range two to five percent.

Steve and I were too cautious and Nicholas Stix’s journalistic instincts were correct: This was an obvious hoax from the start.

David in TN says:
February 23, 2019 at 2:45 pm GMT • 100 Words

“When I heard the name Jussie Smollett, I thought of one of the main characters in Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, Treasure Island. It was Captain Smollett, hired by Squire Trelawney to skipper the ship carrying the treasure-hunting party.

“Stevenson might well have been thinking of Tobias Smollett when giving a good Scottish name to a character, a heroic one by the way.
Thanks for mentioning my friend Nicholas Stix. He can read these hoaxes with his eyes closed.”

"Jussie Smollett headed back to jail after conviction upheld by appeals court in hate crime hoax"


  1. At this point in the country,if you call hoax on any black claims of racism, you'd be right 99% of the time.Part of my education, I learned here.The rest I got from watching black thugs give interviews on tv.

    Hollywood remakes everything except the obvious--"black Pinocchio--starring Jussie Smollett


  2. Correct. Thinking whitey folks Chicago were onto this guy and his BS almost instantly.

  3. He will not do so but Jussie needs to go away and never be seen again.

    I am not sure what exactly the reaction would be but Jussie really needs for his own good to just admit he did wrong and ask for forgiveness. He might be surprised at how people will respond.
