Saturday, November 25, 2023

In ireland, non-White terrorists now have a right to knife White children and women: irish police embrace algerian terrorist, declare him an irishman, and play the crazy card for him, while condemning irish rioters as "hooligans"

By R.C.
thursday, november 23, 2023 at 07:29:13 p.m. est

"The irish independent reports that he is an irish citizen who, while not born in the country, had lived there for a number of years. detectives are said to be following a line of inquiry [sic] that he may have suffered a 'psychotic episode' prior to the attack."

[N.S.: That's not a "line of inquiry," it's the opposite. Playing the crazy card on behalf of a non-White terrorist is clearly a strategy to arrest inquiry.]

"'hooligans' torch vehicles and loot shops in dublin after school stabbing left girl, five, and woman seriously hurt: riots erupt amid unconfirmed rumours knifeman is foreign national - police say attack was 'not terror,' mob chants 'get them out'"

"violence broke out after three young children and a woman were attacked Parnell square east in the north of the city centre on thursday afternoon. a five-year-old girl is undergoing emergency treatment."

The irish rank high for sociopathy.

They will not take this lying down.


  1. Men can be women,
    Whites say they're black,
    Arabs are Irish,
    But those ain't the facts.


  2. All illegals are crazy. This one is just more crazy than most. Maybe Gaza set him off.

  3. Who's the p.m.--a nig named O'Neal?(Shaquille?)
    Hope they're not THAT stupid.


  4. Yes, they ARE that stupid. The Irish Prime Minister is a homosexual whose father was born in India. Indians are aggressive colonizers--just look at our country--two slippery Indians running for the Republican nomination for president. I happen to have dual citizenship with Ireland but I am not proud of them. After fighting the English for freedom for centuries, the Irish surrendered without a shot to domination by the European Union for the sake of money.
