Saturday, November 25, 2023

A New Battle for the Alamo? irredentist reconquistas challenge new texas law

By A Texas Reader
saturday, november 25, 2023 at 01:38:31p.m. est

"I anticipate once the governor signs it, there will be [law]suits coming forward," she continued. "lulac has also announced they're going to file suit. we met with several of the mexican consuls here in dallas, as well as 11 mexican consuls from across t


  1. "Democrats are concerned that the legislation will also let local and state police ask people to prove their citizenship. Those who cannot can be charged with a misdemeanor and potentially deported."

    GRA:The article says, they're going to run to Biden's DOJ under the guise of saying "that's the Fed's responsibilty--not the state's--to protect the border."

    Can we have a civil war start over this--please?

    Start it over SOMETHING.


  2. This would never have to be done if the illegals kept crossing the border by millions. Blame them and not the Texas legislators.
