Monday, October 30, 2023

mapping project and bds movement are linked to terrorists

By N.S.


  1. jerry pdx
    It's not easy finding a comprehensive list of insurgencies around the world motivated by Islamic ideology but here is a link to a paper published by the United States Institute of Peace & The Wilson Center. It supplies a list of the names of Islamic movements and where they operate, plus the methods they employ (There are no current insurgencies motivated by Christian ideology):

    A couple excerpts from the paper:

    "The United States should also look at jihadist groups as increasingly mobile transnational movement. These groups do not think in terms of international boundaries. They are purposefully trying to alter the geographic status quo (establish a world caliphate)".

    Future Jihads

    "The pace of change in the Middle East is unprecedented. So is the range of possible future jihadi threats [especially when you welcome Islamic invaders in as citizens]. No single analytical framework or model suffices to predict the future. Anticipating the next conflict zone-and particularly the next phase of jihadi extremism-is difficult. Extremist organizations quickly morph an adapt tactics-often faster than large bureaucracies and major armies. The reality is that jihadis may always be one step ahead".

    The paper suggests modern jihadism emerged after 9/11. I disagree with that, it may have evolved, as the paper also suggested, in some ways but it should be clearly stated that jihad has been a part of Islam since it first began. Islam emerged in Mecca around the 6th century AD, by the 7th century Islamic jihadi armies spread across North Africa and were invading into Southern Europe. It wasn't long before most of Spain was part of the growing Muslim empire as well as other parts of Southern Europe. After about 8 centuries of Islamic rule, they were finally driven out. There was also the rise of the Islamic Ottoman empire that stretched to the gates of Vienna, some areas in the Balkans are still Muslim majority.

    We tend to look at history in short term. Europeans and the US have become more powerful than Islamic countries [that is, until we turn into Islamic majority countries ourselves] but empires rise and fall, who knows what the political and economic landscape will be generations from now. Islamics are now planning to wage jihad with their womb, as Ghaddaffi and Arafat have said: We will move to your country, outbirth you and take over without firing a shot.

    Islamic terror is often motivated by perceived injustices of the West, and in some cases, maybe even have some justification but the massive media attention given to that kind of terror masks the underlying long game they are playing. That game is to forcibly convert the 3rd world and infiltrate the 1st world using lax immigration laws and woke ideologues as allies.

    If we don't think in those long game terms the way they do, they will eventually win.

  2. We've already lost.The combination of muslim,black and mex being allowed free reign over Whitey has put a ribbon on this one.As Cosell used to say "It's OVER!"


  3. jerry pdx
    You are, sadly, correct GRA, though sometimes when I'm arguing with blacks or Mex, I point out the potential future of all of us living under Sharia law. It scares even them.
