Sunday, October 29, 2023

"autistic former nyc council aide claims dem Justin Brannan tormented him, throws support behind gop foe"

By N.S.

"autistic former nyc council aide claims dem Justin Brannan tormented him, throws support behind gop foe"

"'during my time there, I suffered daily. I had humiliating experiences, like being locked in the basement as some type of unwanted creature, something that [councilman Justin] Brannan laughed heartily...'"


  1. The autistic collected money for being autistic?A new type of reparations?Whatever.The rest of it is new york politics--White folks,I think,but low level stuff.


  2. Oh, my, "Let's Go Brannan" loses the coveted Bistreich endorsement. When you've lost the autistic vote, you've lost... well, not a lot, at least not if you're dem. Good practice for running your own dungeon of J-6'ers.
