Saturday, October 28, 2023

Is Mike Pence a Psychopath? Conscienceless, republicant Traitor Drops Out of Presidential Race, Saying He Has "No Regrets"

By N.S.

"‘I have no regrets’: Mike Pence drops out of presidential race"


  1. Is(insert name)a psychopath?
    Probably--they all want power.



    Authored by Kyle Anzalone via,

    Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US.

    The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said.

    “Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it, “Johnson continued, the states posed a “huge [threat to the US.] It’s it’s the biggest threat since World War II.”

    On Ukraine, Johnson stated that the support for Ukraine must continue. “Now we can’t allow Vladimir Putin to Prevail in Ukraine because I don’t believe it would stop there,” he said.

    “And it would probably encourage and empower China to perhaps make a move on Taiwan. We have these concerns. We’re not going to abandon them.”

    The Speaker noted he would like to see more oversight over additional aid but did not say it was a requirement to pass a multi-billion assistance bill for Ukraine.

    Johnson explained that he does support the White House’s proposed $105 billion bill that would fund the War in Ukraine, Israel’s war on Gaza, fund Washington’s military buildup in the Pacific, and provide funds to increase security at the southern border. The Speaker said the consensus among House Republicans is to split the funding into different bills.

    GRA:I give up on Congress.


  3. Next thing,Johnson will be for open borders and LGBTQs having orgies with his wife.It doesn't take long to get the tap on the shoulder.


  4. I read a book by a scientist who studied the brains of prisoners and determined that there are actual physical differences between normal brains and those of psychopaths. He also wrote that psychopaths are not all serial killers--many are lawyers, business leaders, and politicians. After the pandemic it is obvious that many psychopaths are doctors, hospital administrators, and public health officials--who are responsible for so many needless deaths. Psychopaths do not have the feelings and morality of normal people--they also do not feel fear. A psychopath is hard to startle because of this lack of fear. Think someone near you is a psychopath? Try startling them and see if you can make them jump. If not, he (or she) may be a psychopath. Of course doing this to a politician just might get you shot by the Secret Service.

  5. And many of the sociopaths are black.I read that years ago--over 70% of blacks may be sociopathic.

