Tuesday, August 22, 2023

yeti, yet, yeti! a new indian study has uncovered the secret of the Sherpa people’s genes that allows them to survive in the most extreme conditions

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 10:41:52 PM EDT

A new Indian study has uncovered the secret of the Sherpa people's genes that allows them to survive in the most extreme conditions

Superhumans with 'Yeti blood': These people are able to withstand extreme conditions, and science might finally know how — RT India https://www.rt.com/india/581645-himalaya-sherpa-superhumans-with-yeti-blood/



Anonymous said...

Yeti,yeti,yeti,is the Indian version of the phrase "yada,yada,yada,"--from "Maharishi Seinfeld".

Maharishi Jerry:I just found out why I'm so healthy,George,I'm part Sherpa.THAT'S why I never get sick.

Untouchable George:Good for YOU.Having millions of dollars and living in a mansion probably doesn't hurt either ehh?As opposed to living with your parents like I do.

Jerry:Well you ARE an untouchable,George.

GeorgeThis is true--and you remind me of that fact at least 5 times a day.

Jerry:Six,on the date we end daylight savings time.

George(mimicking Jerry):Six on the day we...Who CARES?Why do you hang around an untouchable in the first place?

Jerry:Comedy material.Where else would I come with "shrinkage" from?Or "double dipping"?

George:Where's MY cut of all this?

Jerry:You're eating it--gotta go,"untouchable George"

George:That's TWO--see ya Maharishi Jerry.


Anonymous said...

This has been known for some time. Peruvian Inca people also the same. Have genetic ability to live well where others cannot. All men are not created equal.