Thursday, August 24, 2023

Did Dave Chappelle die? Tributes to his heroic, black life are pouring in!

Dave Chappelle: black genius, or just an overpraised, sometimes funny black man?

By Jerry PDX
thursday, august 24, 2023 at 3:27:00 p.m. edt

Tributes pour in for Dave Chappelle, due to him turning 50. Doesn’t most everybody turn 50 at some point?

I saw a headline online and thought maybe he had died but no, the media and entertainment world are crowning him the “greatest” ever, or the greatest since Richard Pryor. No way. I do recognize Pryor had talent for humor, and so does Chappelle, but watch Pryor’s old routines, or listen to his albums. Not nearly as funny as it seemed back then, and much of it comes off very dated. Then take away the shock value of his prolific use of the n-word and it’s even less interesting.

Chappelle can also be funny, but his routines are up and down and he loves playing the insightful, wise black man, which he really is not. I might rate him as a pretty good comedian but not one of the “greatest ever.” black comedians being overpraised is something that’s been going on for a long time. White liberals love to fawn all over them, because it makes them feel “down” with the black man, and therefore less guilty.

N.S.: In “America” (GRA), we must find any and every possible pretext, every day, to celebrate blackness.


Anonymous said...

I thought the unique thing about Richard Pryor was his self-deprecating humor: joking about his heart attack; a routine where he swaggeringly tries to defend his girlfriend against attackers, and gets promptly put out of commission; another bit where he's after-the-fact terrified about his sexual performance. Hard to imagine any black characterizing himself that way now- just as blacks used to sing about "white man" emotions such as love and loneliness. All gone. Now they are just the violent, profane, hyper-sexed monsters that "racists" always expected them to be. -RM

Anonymous said...

ALL niggers are crazy.And when they get money,it just makes a crazy nigger into an unrestrained,crazy nigger.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If there's a contest to crown "The Wise Black Man", of course it's Thomas Sowell but playing along with the pop culture's list of Acceptables, you'd have to give Dave Chappelle the nod. Who else? Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Cornel West? The Obamunist-in-Chief?

And you there, Tim Scott, please be seated, who are you kidding? No, no, and no. Just sit down, Senator.