Saturday, July 29, 2023

the new york times and washington post are now acting as if the cops who murdered Tyre Nichols were White!

By N.S.

Steve Sailer did a blog item on the times and wapo’s “thing,” “wp & nyt: memphis police brutality victim was black, but his brutalizers were just blue.”

By Patrick in SC
July 28, 2023

“…much higher than the share of the city’s population that is black, which is about 65 percent. black residents across memphis were also three times as likely as white residents to be subjected to physical force by police officers, according to department data over the past seven years.”

Patrick in SC: “In a serious world, filled with at least semi-serious adults who were conscientiously served by serious news sources, the next paragraph might begin with something like, ‘However, conservative critics/commentators/experts point out that according to data on violent crime, including statistics accumulated by the fbi and doj, blacks commit disproportionately more violent offenses than other racial groups, a fact which those critics claim explains the increased rates of black interaction with the police.’ Or something like that.

“But reality itself is off limits in this religion.

“The blessed get a capital letter – Black – and the untouchables get a lower case letter – white.”

By anonymous[893]
July 28, 2023
@Patrick in SC

“This is what I call ‘Danny Glover reasoning.’ We all missed our chance to head off this bull—it in 1995 when Glover complained it was racist for nyc cabbies to refuse to pick him up, and all the cabbies were from various black african countries.”

N.S.: We all missed our chance to head off this bull in 1963, when MLK Jr. insinuated that every time a White cop arrested a black criminal it was a case of “police brutality”… and a thousand other times.

Guest007 says:
July 28, 2023
@Nicholas Stix

“One might want to include a link to back up such a claim.”

july 28, 2023

“Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Jefferson, and ‘the Promissory Note’”

By Dmon
july 28, 2023

Here ya go, Mr. Hasan.

By Guest007
july 28, 2023

“The cite does not back up the original claim : when MLK Jr. insinuated that every time a White cop arrested a black criminal it was a case of ‘police brutality’… and a thousand other times.”

“What MLK Jr said:

” King himself had been at the mercy of police many times, and knew well the vulnerability and dangerous power dynamics a person under arrest can experience. In his [sic] 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, King characterized police injustice as a nationwide problem: ‘Armies of officials are clothed in uniform, invested with authority, armed with the instruments of violence and death and conditioned to believe that they can intimidate, maim or kill negroes with the same recklessness that once motivated the slaveowner.’”

By N.S.
july 29, 2023

the atlantic: “The following year, on August 11, 1965, police in South L.A. pulled over Marquette Frye, a 21-year-old Black man, for drunk driving. The arrest became violent—and Watts erupted in six days of rebellion. By the end, 34 people were dead and more than 1,000 were injured. White Americans were shocked at Black anger, but King and many L.A. activists argued that this was a willful surprise.”

The following year, on August 11, 1965, police in South L.A. pulled over Marquette Frye, a 21-year-old black man, for drunk driving. Frye became violent—and Watts erupted in six days of racist rioting. By the end, 34 people were dead and more than 1,000 were injured. White Americans were shocked at violent, black racist hatred, but King and many L.A. activists argued that this was a willful surprise. FIFY

An arrest doesn’t “become violent”; only a person or animal does that. Theoharis said that, in order to deceive the reader, but such phony language acts as a red flag to an astute and honest reader.

blacks had no reason for rioting, so Theoharis had to invent some. One she invented was a police shooting in new york city, but it was Whites who should have been rioting there, in response to constant black atrocities (raping White girls in the city’s integrated public schools, robberies, brutal assaults); the murder by a 12-year-old black of a White woman on a subway platform in Queens; the nation of islam’s serial murders of Whites in Harlem; and the murder-rape (in that order) of Kitty Genovese in Kew Gardens, Queens.

In order to distract the world from the racist, black monster, Winston Moseley, nycpd commissioner Michael Murphy and new york times metro editor A.M. Rosenthal created the Kitty Genovese Hoax. In that blood libel, Murphy and Rosenthal invented a story, in which 38 heartless White people had witnessed Moseley’s murder of Genovese, circa 3 a.m. on the bitter-cold night of March 13th, 1964, but had done nothing. In reality, there was but one witness, a White man who, not knowing that Moseley had stabbed Genovese, opened his window, yelled at Moseley to leave Genovese alone, and who immediately called the police. However, the police dispatcher lied, saying she/he/it would send a squad car, but ignored the witness’ plea for help.

As historian Fred Siegel would note, the real “cause” of the racist black riots was Lyndon Johnson signing into law the u.s. civil rights act. Two weeks later, the riots began.

Of course, my article backed up my claim, and of course you denied it, because you’re racist and full of crap. You didn’t surprise me at all. Meanwhile, the racist propaganda from Jeanne Theoharis (she’s Greek to me) in the atlantic “thing” you linked to supports me, if read in English, instead of her own racism.

Note (to decent, honest human beings) how the forked-tongued rapist-plagiarist-black supremacist-thief-whoremonger King both “criticized” and supported the racist riot.

By Dmon
july 29, 2023

“The cite gave at least 4 specific examples of King pointing to police brutality as one of the biggest causes of black unrest.

“Direct quote, 1st line of the article:

“‘We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.’

“From the in-article link to ‘black Perspectives’ ( : ‘ King also challenged the tendency to cast black behavior as the problem, rather than investigating the structures of racism in the North. ‘Many whites who oppose open housing would deny that they are racists. They turn to sociological arguments … [without realizing] that criminal responses are environmental, not racial.’

“Maybe this link would address your objections more directly.”

Note that Jeanne Theoharis published the same "thing" twice under different titles:, and here:

King’s ghostwriters were engaged in an early version of the anti-scientific and anti-moral sophistry of “disparate impact”: the worse blacks behave, the more Whites are at fault.


  1. Which race is out at all hours of the night committing crimes,setting up the possibilities of run-ins with cops that, because the blacks are too brainless to figure it all out(how to get arrested peacefully),escalate the situation to a full blown confrontation of life and death?

    Been going on for decades--they never learn.



  2. “‘We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.’

    Rioters Detroit 1967 were angry the police closed down an illegal drinking establishment. Operating Sunday morning when all the bars in town were ordinarily closed by law. Blacks getting off their jobs at Ford co. had no place to go to drink. For such a reason they ripped apart and destroyed an entire part of Detroit.

  3. lol

    typical fodder for midwit sailer sycophants

    just pathetic

  4. Even if the cops were black they had the WHITE cop attitude it will be said.
