Saturday, July 29, 2023

Drop in at the Emmett Till Comedy Club!


“Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the black teen lynched in mississippi.”

By Farenheit
July 23, 2023

Louis Till could not be reached for comment….

By Jenner Ickham Errican
July 23, 2023

A complete monument should include a life-sized gallows recreation of Louis Till hanging around. Call it “Till, we meet again.”

racist serial rapist and murderer Louis Till (above), who was executed by the U.S. Army in Italy in 1945. Louis was the father of Emmett Till (below), whose own career as a racist rapist was tragically cut short.


  1. There's rare footage of Louis Till onstage at the Till Comedy club(1942):

    "Hello,y'all,thanks fo' stoppin' by Till's Comedy club.Lemmee see,how many of you women in the audience have been raped before?
    (Hands go up)
    "Yup,you look familiar,I remember you,hey blondie--oh yeah--I'm kiddin'--wait a minute--except for you,I DO remember YOU.

    "You know,the law calls it rape,but rape is in the eye of the beholder--right?That's why we niggas wears a MASK.

    "I have a good excuse fo' rapin' White women --how else was I supposed to have a light skinned boy like li'l Emmett if I didn't do dat??The damn stork don't deliver halfies to two black as coal niggas--dats fo' sure.

    "Okay,y'all,I'm done,let me introduce our next standup comic,give a Till's Comedy Club welcome to
    Samuel Little SENIOR!
    Enjoy the show."


  2. I think Biden wants to legalize sexual assault-- that would get him off the hook for his 1993 forced entry with Tara Reade.Well he IS off the hook--especially with the DoJ he has backing him right now.

