Sunday, July 30, 2023

How to win a political argument every time! (graphic humor)


  1. Doesn't he make instant rice too?Uncle Nelson's instant rice--soaked in gasoline.Just add a lit match and watch your opponent get smoked.


  2. Gruesome way to die rubber tire around your neck burning. But it is Darkest Africa, isn't it.

  3. The deification of Mandela is astounding to me. Not only did he murder his way into power, he allied with the most despotic regimes on Earth and their dictators. Fidel Castro was a personal friend of his. Castro took control of Cuba and ran it [into the ground] for 53 years. That's over half a century. He murdered or imprisoned opposition, muzzled the press, seized private property and turned Cuba into his private penal colony. How can someone who imprisons an island of people be instrumental in another populations freedom struggle?

  4. Absolutely disgusting that a terrorist and his wife are treated like saints. Hard to believe that people are this ignorant--and they vote!

  5. I'm familiar with Mandela.


    Used to work with a Nigerian named Udee.

    He and and I worked together at the world's largest accounting firm.

    One day I saw him talking to Tracy E., senior managing partner for the International Assignments division.

    Tracy was a very powerful woman. For example, she was on a first name basis with the CEO of the world's largest consumer products company. The company is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    I walked up to the two, and casually asked Udee about necklacing.

    He looked at me with a nasty look on his face, almost as if he had shit himself.

    Gotta love Turd World cultures (sic). - A Texas Reader
