Sunday, July 30, 2023

Did the nycpd and new york post conspire to stage a hate crime murder hoax?

[“A White guy allegedly stabbed a non-White to death in coney island, brooklyn, so the cops and prosecutors are trying to hang a ‘hate crime’ rap on the White guy.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, july 30, 2023 at 4:12:00 p.m. edt

In essence, ALL M-U-R-D-E-R-S are hate crimes—you don’t kill someone because you’re fond of him. Saying a particular murder is a “hate crime” is political b.s. dreamed up by commie media to incite blacks and get Whitey for those few crimes (like this one, supposedly) that has a White-on-black bent to it.


By Anonymous
sunday, july 30, 2023 at 7:49:00 p.m. edt

The stabber and his whole crew look middle eastern. Is that now considered “White”?

N.S.: I thought something was odd about the whole story, given that blacks had run all of the Whites out of coney generations ago. But the reporting and videos were so uninformative and incoherent, that making sense out of it all was hopeless, which I guess was the point.

By Anonymous
sunday, july 30, 2023 at 8:58:00 p.m. edt

From the nyc news media this is described as a gay versus muslim type of altercation. Words first, then a physical fight. Then stabbing. Even if a muslim doing the stabbing, he will count as a Whitey for statistical record-keeping purposes. And YES, muslims don’t like gays.

“why are you dancing—I’m moslem”; no Whites involved in this murder (as usual)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

sunday, july 30, 2023 at 10:35:00 p.m. edt

“midwood, brooklyn (wabc) — on sunday, nypd detectives gathered more video, adding to footage that captured a heated clash between two groups at a gas station in brooklyn, leaving one person dead.

“it all began saturday night around 11:15 at a mobil gas station on coney island avenue.”

“Sibley Oshae and his friends were at the pump, having fun and horsing around [GRA: “horsing around” — is that how news is reported now?] That is when a customer in black shorts held the door, stepped outside, and exchanged words with the group.

“‘this guy walked from the store, he’s like ‘why are you dancing, I’m moslem,’ said one witness, who did not want to be identified.

“witnesses say the 17-year-old works at a smoke shop right around the corner. Oshae, wearing light-colored shorts with no shirt approached the man in the black shorts. The two began talking, and within seconds, the victim’s friends joined in.

“a witness then tried to intervene.

“‘first of all, don’t fight in the store, just leave, I told both of them. They weren’t listening,’ the witness said.

“after a few minutes, cooler heads appear [sic] to prevail, leaving only the victim and suspect, who had his cell phone out, face-to-face.

“Oshae walked away, and just as he was about to get in the car with his friends, things suddenly went south again with the two groups clashing.

“the suspect and Oshae headed towards the sidewalk, where there was a scuffle. the suspect [sic] then stabbed the Oshae, who died. he was just 28 years old.

“the suspect [sic] took off. witnesses say he is someone who has caused trouble at the gas station before, comes in to use the bathroom and has an attitude with the workers.”



  1. Conspirators or just plain incompetent?They like to muddy it up so we can't say for sure.Either reason should be grounds for being forced to get out of the news business though.


  2. [Is that now considered “White”?]

    Very likely, yes. Unless there is another, common term available and used for that officially. If not, it will be recorded in stats as white.

    And actually Hispanic is not a racial category. As defined and used by e.g. the US Census, it is officially race neutral, and refers to ethnicity (which is not the same as race) and national origin. This is stated explicitly.

    If you want a racial category for Hispanic, use mestizo.

    Iowa sex offenders:

    Look at the faces. How many look white to you?

    On pg 2 you find this guy RAMIREZ-HERNANDEZ, SAMUEL:

    It says his race is white.

    One from the FBI most wanted:

    Says he's White (Hispanic). So is he recorded as white or Hispanic?

    There is no way to untangle this. Which is why analysis of crime data that uses Hispanics as a racial category cannot be accurate. It will always understate crime committed by Hispanics, and overstate crime committed by Whites.

    1. Repeat after me:
      Kowalski is not hispanic.Hernandez is hispanic.
      Vanderveen is not Hispanic.Gomez is hispanic.
      Krautenberg is not Hispanic.Gonzales is hispanic.
      To paraphrase the Supreme Court--as they described pornography--the same applies for hispanics:"I know one when I see one "

