Sunday, May 21, 2023

Looking Back on the Sadism of the covid-19 Shaming Campaign

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Taibbi <>
sun, may 21, 2023 12:04 p.m.

Looking Back on the Sadism of the covid-19 Shaming Campaign

Looking Back on the Sadism of the Covid-19 Shaming Campaign


  1. There is an objective reality--truth which no credentials or university degrees can negate. Those who accept lies because they are told by doctors, bureaucrats, or other "experts" are merely sheep--not humans. Real humans are blessed with minds and will not accept the lies paid for by drug companies and enforced by corrupt politicians. Here is to free people and free minds--may their light never be extinguished by the Faucis and Gates of this world.

  2. "I don't even understand what means, 'I'm doing my own research.'"

    Poor fellow needs to do some research of his own to find out what "own research" is.
