Sunday, May 21, 2023

black criminal celebrated by senate democrats, who issued him free felonies, shot a woman in the head, leaving her brain dead

By David in TN
sun, may 21, 2023 9:40 a.m.

criminal celebrated by senate democrats shot a woman in the head |frontpage mag

David in TN: Greenfield's piece has a link to the daily mail story. It has the shooter's mugshot with the typical pose. The victim as of now is nameless and raceless.


  1. I believe every black male and many black women are potential killers because of their women haven't taken the next step--YET.They still like to fight with fists.But from what I've read,they seem to be buying(or stealing)more guns lately.


  2. Shot in the head,
    Woman is dead.
    Nigs give guns
    A bad name.



    "Editor’s note: On May 20, 2023, the Cook County medical examiner’s office stated that the woman has died. The agency identified her as Linda Chattman, 39, of Chicago."

  4. Take a close look at the story. This animal shot blindly into another vehicle because they had the temerity to pass him. This means he was armed and had no impulse control. I also doubt this was his debut at this sort of thing. He was granted clemency because he was deemed a non violent low level drug dealer. When dealing a drug like crack there is no such thing as a non violent offender. Additionally, was his hand gun licensed? Now, watch the crickets from his ardent liberal cheerleader squad - Obama, Warren, Durbin. Or, if they do say something they'll blame the gun.

  5. Always the same thing. Something exceedingly stup0id and trivial that should have not mattered one bit. Usually it is the look, the glance, the stare, or the perceived look, glance, stare.

    "harsh mandatory minimum sentencing laws"

    That was sentencing for crack cocaine possession and distribution. The black pastors had encouraged such legislation and that was why so many negroes got such long sentences.
