Friday, May 19, 2023

british “celebrity” couple announced that three out of four of their children are gender-confused

By Jerry PDX
friday, may 19, 2023 at 6:18:00 p.m. edt

british “celebrity” couple announced that three out of four of their children are gender-confused:

I never heard of these people but it’s a black man with a White wife, so maybe it’s a Kardashian type of a thing. Remember how I always say that young girls are more susceptible to this gender programming? Guess what, this couple have four kids, three are girls and the youngest is a boy. The three girls have all decided they are “non binary” or “trans,” the boy is still pretty young but appears to still identify as a male. I had to do some scouting around to find this all out because the typical article doesn’t point out that all the girls are gender-confused but the boy isn’t. The typical media article gushes about how wonderful and accepting the parents are. This is typical, though, girls are far more likely to be influenced into this kind of sexual psychosis and the best explanation I’ve seen is from Jordan Peterson. You can hear it here starting at 1:14:

I’d be willing to be any amount of money that all three of the girls will say they are either lesbian, bi or pan-sexual, omni-sexual blah blah...Doesn’t mean they are those things but part of being gender fluid is to also be sexually “fluid,” so they will say what they are expected to say. They boy will most likely just be regular boy.


Anonymous said...

The British couple is proud of their children. How I hate that word proud.

Anonymous said...

Are the girls wearing strap-ons yet?How cute.Don't bend over around little "Lisa".


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
One thing I forgot to include was that the parents say their children are "on the autism spectrum". Seems odd that all them would be and makes you wonder if they were exposed to something in the environment. Whatever autism has to do with gender and sexuality I don't know but I suspect it could have made them more susceptible to gender propaganda.

Nicholas said...


I think the parents are on the bs spectrum.