Monday, April 24, 2023

new King biography -- commentary by author of prior bio

By An Old Friend
mon, apr 24, 2023 6:38 p.m.

new King biography -- commentary by author of prior bio

Some reason for sympathy ...


  1. So he had TWO wives?Will THAT get any airplay on "negro nightly news"?

    Will any material from the book?


  2. The excuse patented it seems for KKKing and his womanly affairs was that he was on the road 300 days of the year, was lonely and needed companionship of the female kind. And he continued his womanizing even though he KNEW the FBI was listening and recording.

  3. "I had a dream" was originally,"I had a WET dream"--a DIFFERENT new book on mlk,by Saul Lipschitz.

    With very little publicity, a second definitive book on martin luther king was released on Monday.The author?An unknown named Saul Lipschitz who claims that fantastic new information about king was given to him by government and secret sources who he would not divulge.

    Talking about White women to
    harry belafonte,king reportedly said,"You know what Harry--"I had a WET dream last night.I dreamed I was walking over a hill and 1000 White women where out in a field--like apple trees--ready to be harvested."

    belafonte,a confidante of king's replied,"Drop the 'wet' part of that and you got an identity,nigga."

    Lipschitz also says,king's mustache was fake--as was the bullet that supposedly killed him in Memphis.

    "It was a heart attack from too much sex,"Lipschitz insisted,"but you'll have to read the book.Many rumors claim that after the coronary trouble,king took off the fake lip hair on that day in Memphis and from then on,no one could recognize him--he's still possibly alive--doing God knows what."


  4. By the way,the name of the book is,"mlk--a Saul Lipschitz Investigation"

