Monday, April 24, 2023

More television firings—Lemon squeezed out at cnn

By Grand Rapids Anonymous and Jerry PDX

“Washington (reuters) - cable television network cnn has fired host Don Lemon, the news anchor said in a post on twitter on monday.

GRA: Maybe he’ll go fox news (chuckle).


By Jerry PDX
Monday, April 24, 2023 at 4:47:00 PM EDT

Don Lemon has been fired from cnn:

All these years of him expressing outrageous, racist, and hateful opinions and it was non pc sexist comments he made toward Nikki Haley that got him fired. I suppose someone could say it was an accumulation over years but I suspect if management was offended by his outspoken woke extremism he would have been gone years ago. Just another example of how quickly the left will turn on one of their own if they do even the slightest thing off script. I don't think we've heard the last of him though, he'll likely turn up somewhere.

Jerry PDX
monday, april 24, 2023 at 8:05:00 p.m. edt

Another take on the fruit, named for a fruit, being fired by cnn. I spotted an article that claimed Don Lemon was fired due to a fiery exchange he had with gop presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswami during a cnn interview:

Full interview here:

In it, Lemon claims black people in the us aren’t allowed to enjoy their freedoms, among other ridiculous things. Typical Lemon, he’s always a victim because he’s black, and every black person is also, eternally and forever. fox article said that cnn execs were tired of him doing this sort of thing so they decided to get rid of him:

1 comment:

  1. I hardly think the American negro and the South Asian can get along well together. South Asians many dark but very successful USA. American negro also dark [some lighter than South Asians] but very unsuccessful. American negroes by and large in a state of devolution.
