Sunday, January 01, 2023

"your roomba may put pictures of your family using the bathroom on the internet"

By R.C.
sat, dec 31, 2022 9:32 p.m.

"report: your roomba may put pictures of your family using the bathroom on the internet"

"according to a recent report from the mit technology review, a woman's roomba robot vacuum cleaner recently took photos of her on the toilet and somehow the photos ended up on facebook, shared by gig workers in a foreign country."


I don’t wish to see photos from Paul Pelosi’s bathroom.



Anonymous said...

I would greatly doubt that dancy and her husband have been intimate in any manner for a very long time someone like Hillary Clinton and her husband

Anonymous said...

There's a listing of roomba sexual predators at doubt they need to be checked out before one is brought into your home.


Anonymous said...

Is it Nancy and in her husband are Hillary and Bill Clinton were still intimate you wouldn’t want to see any pictures of them surely that would be so

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just the Roomba? Your phone, camera on your computer, smart TV, home security system, the drone hovering outside your window, street view camera are all potential spy devices. With audio/video devices getting smaller and smaller they can be hidden anywhere and are nearly undetectable. You can't make a move nowadays without a camera shoved up your keester, it's 1984 come true and maybe even worse than the book. I suppose it pays off in a positive way once in a while when they catch a killer like the Idaho college stabber but you have to wonder if the cost is worth what we lose in our privacy.