Tuesday, January 24, 2023

SMOKING GUN — What Biden was Really Doing with Stashed Docs Revealed

-----Original Message-----
From: 🚨TRUMP WAR🚨 <News@populistpress.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
tue, jan 24, 2023 10:22 p.m.

SMOKING GUN — What Biden was Really Doing with Stashed Docs Revealed


  1. To save you some time.they say Brandon fed Hunter the documents to make money with by selling the info.


  2. jerry pdx
    I was on light rail coming home from work the other day and a signature gatherer approached me and wanted me to sign a petition in support of a political party called "No Labels", he explained it as a part that did not take extreme positions but worked for consensus between Democrats and Republicans. It supposedly supports centrist, bi-partisan policies and politics but I was suspicious and didn't give him my signature. I looked into it myself later on and discovered it's been around for over a decade now and has some prominent supporters and financers, I don't know if it could become a legitimate 3rd party but if you are paying for signature gatherers in major cities then you've got some serious cash behind you. However, I looked it up and quickly discovered it wasn't centrist at all, in fact, it's a far left organization in disguise. Looking through their webpage I found this in regard to immigration:

    [There’s clear evidence that the current level of migration at the southern border – which is at the highest level in 20 years – is pushing our immigration system to its limits. According to a Pew poll, “Large majorities say it is very or somewhat important to increase available staff both to patrol and police the border and to quickly process unaccompanied minors.]”

    [Yet it’s also true that an overwhelming majority of Americans, many of whom are themselves immigrants or descendants of immigrants, support immigration to the U.S. And 74% of adults support granting permanent legal status to Dreamers according to a 2020 poll].

    This statement isn't a middle ground, it's far left pro alien invader. Stating the "overwhelming majority of Americans" support immigration is disingenuous because it doesn't explain what kind of immigration they support. The vast majority of Americans are OK with a certain amount of immigration but the vast majority don't want uncontrolled completely open borders which is being pushed by the globalist in order to "diversify" this country and push Whites to the margins. https://www.nolabels.org/immigration-and-finding-consensus-on-the-border

    The new national co chair of No Labels is Dr. Benjamin Chavis jr. a left wing negro known for being a "civil rights activist". https://finance.yahoo.com/news/no-labels-announces-civil-rights-162300093.html

    That's all I needed to know to understand what this political party is all about. It's a far left radical operation designed to push the globalist agenda. They claim to be completely transparent with their finances and donors but I'd be willing to bet there's Soros money in there somewhere.

  3. jerry pdx
    Another young beautiful White woman is raped and murdered by negroes: https://www.foxnews.com/us/madison-brooks-investigation-shuts-down-bar-penalties-discussed
    But in this case, it looks like at least one of the perps is a White guy. I've seen that before, sometimes a gang of negroes will allow a White guy to run with them. That White guy is their "boy", and he will go along with whatever they are doing so if that includes raping and killing White girls, he will either participate or do nothing to stop them. One of the perps remains unidentified because he is 17 yrs. old.



    GRA:I'll bet they haven't allowed for Daylight Savings Time--which either means we're dead already or we're an hour farther away than "scientists" thought.

    (ZH)The Kremlin has weighed in on The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight. As we reported earlier, the body of scientists and intellectuals which have maintained the clock since 1947 on Tuesday moved it to 90 seconds till midnight, which is the closest it's been in history. It seeks to gauge how close the world stands to nuclear war and total annihilation.

    The Bulletin explained that the clock moving closer is mostly due to escalation among world powers in Ukraine. The Russian government on Wednesday called it "really alarming" - with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirming that de-escalation does not at all seem to be on the horizon, and that the question of ceasefire talks is a thing of the past.


  5. We need to see the documents for ourselves. Let the public judge. Put into the papers and on the Internet.


    Hey Joe where you goin' with those docs in your hand?

    Hey Joe,I said,where are you goin' with those docs in your hand?

    I'm driving home to do somethin' shady,

    You know I thought myself up an evil plan.

    I'm goin' home to do something shady,

    Get my ten percent--yeah,while I can.

    Hey Joe,where are those docs gonna end up now,end up now?

    Hey Joe,where are those docs gonna end up now?

    They're heading off to China--to a man we all know as Xi.

    I said,they're heading off to China--and it isn't gonna be for free.

    No,they already guaranteed it--one billion upfront for me.

    Hey Joe,isn't what you're doing,illegal as hell?

    Hey Joe,isn't what you're doing illegal as hell?

    Yes it is,but you gotta know,that no one will ever arrest me.

    Yes it is,but you gotta know,that no one will ever arrest me.

    Me and Hunter--we're always gonna be free.

    Okay,I gotta go now--it's back to the,basement for me.



  7. As a side note:Possibly the best version of "Hey Joe" was recorded by a Grand Rapids band called,"The Soulbenders"--in 1967(YouTube has it).
    Also,another 1967 local hit,"I Can't Believe in Love"--a Doorslike song,is worth a listen.

    They were good.

