Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Check out the "los angeles declaration of migration and protection" the white house signed in june. this may be why we are seeing so many planes transporting people all over the u.s.

By A Texas Reader
tue, jan 24, 2023 9:33 p.m.

Check out the "los angeles declaration of migration and protection" the white house signed in june. this may be why we are seeing so many planes transporting people all over the u.s.

Look at Biggs Field in El Paso


  1. jerry pdx
    Those planes could just as easily fly them back to where they belong.

  2. Ship 'em back.They'll stop coming after a couple placements to their original starting point.


  3. jerry pdx
    Mass shooting in Yakima Washington results in this headline and subheading:

    Yakima gunman goes on the run after killing 3 at Circle K, kills himself: 'we don't have a motive'

    'Danger to community' as suspected gunman remains at large, says police chief in Yakima, Washington

    If he killed himself how could he "remain at large"?

    I think Foxnews needs better proofreading.

    Perps name was Jarid Haddock and his photo...kind of grainy...looks White to me but does he look White to you? I'm not sure but there's not clear photo of him on google images, at least right now that is. Probably White but maybe hispanic or possibly a light skinned negro?

    Murdered 3 people for no apparent reason.

  4. No special 'declaration' is needed: asylum law precedent goes back decades -- and the Biden admin already has considerable freedom in dealing with these asylum-seekers while their applications are processed: they can be flown here, there, wherever -- clearly money is not an issue; no matter how much the federal government wants to spend, there's always enough available.

    Probably some (if not most) of these people are flown somewhere to be handed over to local refugee resettlement contractors, who've no doubt lobbied for this -- these are often called 'charities', and their names may nominally reflect this, but in reality they are government contractors -- and there is a LOT of money at stake: the leadership/management corps of these 'charities' often make hundreds of thousands a year each, and nearly all of their revenue, sometimes tens of millions, comes from the government, as you can see in their tax filings.

  5. Looks White from the pic.Motive?I'm sick about media looking for a "motive".He wanted--as all murderers want--to kill someone--or many someones,because felt like it.
    Seems to be as contagious as any airborne virus.


  6. Didn't all these people complain about flying the illegals t Martha's Vineyard?
