Friday, April 22, 2022

We Interrupt Your black-skewed game show, to bring you black-skewed funeral coverage (Patrick Layoya)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, April 22, 2022 at 11:34:00 A.M. EDT

GRA: the price is right (which has 50% black contestants) disappeared, replaced by the Layoya funeral. Just now, incredibly, wwmt showed a GREAT sign at the funeral. The reporter described it as follows:

“One person carried a sign which read, ‘Don’t run from police, obey their orders’ —in full view of the Layoya family.”

[GRA: There were more instructions on how to avoid a Layoya outcome, but the sign was only seen for three seconds.]

The reporter continued: “We talked to a blm spokesman who told us [blm spokesman on camera talking]: ‘That sign, we don’t want to hear “don’t run from the police”—it’s a slap in the face.’”

GRA: Translated—blm encourages running or fighting with (White) cops.

The (White?) person who held that sign gets my Courage of the Year Award. Maybe he wasn’t White or one would think he’d have been killed, though I can’t see a black holding such a sign, either.

That it was pointed out by wwmt (out of Kalamazoo) was definitely a surprise.


1 comment:

  1. YES. That whitey man [i9f it was a whitey man] was placing his life in great danger. Not only don't run from the poe-leese but don't fight with the poe-leese too.
