Friday, April 22, 2022

Edward Szall Claims There is a MASSIVE COVERUP Regarding the Murder of COVID Researcher Dr. Bing Liu

By R.C.
Fri, Apr 22, 2022 2:24 p.m.

Edward Szall claims there is a MASSIVE COVERUP regarding the murder of COVID researcher Dr. Bing Liu

Told you so.

Told you so.

Told you so.

I told you so a long, long time ago.

"There is a high level of mistrust and I get it," Ms. Jenkins told Kaiser Health News. "People are genuinely afraid of the vaccine." The vaccination numbers, though low, still exceeded expectations, Ms. Jenkins told CNN.An internal hospital survey of about 350 employees in early November showed that 70 percent were not willing to take the COVID-19 vaccine or would not take it immediately after ...

"There is an agenda." - Paul Craig Roberts

A top Russian scientist who was working on a Covid-19 vaccine has been found dead in suspicious circumstances in St Petersburg, adding one more to the list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead mysteriously. Alexander 'Sasha' Kagansky, 45, was reported to have fallen in his underwear from a 14th floor window of a high rise flat – and was found with stab wounds.

Professor Bing Liu of the University of Pittsburgh who was on the verge of a breakthrough in scientific understanding of Coronavirus has been assassinated

Professor Bing Liu of the University of Pittsburgh who was on the verge of a breakthrough in scientific understanding of Coronavirus has been assassinated

The folks at Great Game India ain't that bright. 

The M.O. of the CIA is to have a "lone wolf," like, say, Lee Harvey Oswald whack someone.  Then in turn the lone wolf gets whacked.   Professor's Liu attacker was no doubt murdered; no suicide.   Betcha the autopsy report reveals that he "committed suicide" with a bullet to the back of his head.

Kenneth Michael Trentadue (December 19, 1950 – August 21, 1995) was an American citizen who was found hanged in his cell at FTC Oklahoma during the investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing. His death was officially ruled a suicide three years after it occurred. Trentadue's family maintains that he was murdered by members of FBI who mistakenly believed he was involved in the Oklahoma bombing ...

If COVID is a bioweapon, and not just a bug that has been weaponized, then the assassinations make sense.  The Pentagon calls it "FUD": Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

Cold War stuff.

French citizens who decline to take the coronavirus vaccine will be barred from public transportation, among other places, under a controversial "Green Passport" plan set out in a draft law that's now on its way to parliament.


Wall Street analysts have surmised that drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna will earn combined profits of about $32 billion in 2021. Investment bank Morgan Stanley projected that Pfizer's COVID-19 jab is expected to bring in $19 billion next year. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs remarked that Moderna will r
Pfizer and Moderna have the annuity model down.

Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America" that it's "certainly possible" the new strain of the virus is already present in the US.

Next year's strain is next year's vaccine.


You thought it was "one and done"?

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