Monday, April 25, 2022

Oregon May Well Elect Another lesbian governor from Portland

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 5:46:00 P.M. EDT

They may well elect another lesbian Governor from Portland. The leading dem candidate appears to be Tina Kotek, a butch lesbian whose campaign platform checks off on every diversity/prog/Woke issue. I ask people I know, if they think she’s going to to a damned thing for regular, White, middle-class folks and they just look confused and respond with nonsense like: “Well, we have to do more for blacks, homeless, immigrants and gay people, blah, blah, blah.” Her TV commercials loudly proclaim she’s a if sexual dysfunction were something to be proud of.

I tell them that she believes White middle-class people are rich, privileged, and have too much already, so they need to give more. Not only that, one of her primary issues will be pushing homosexual propaganda on your children in school, especially lesbian programming directed at your daughters. Doesn’t matter, though, in the progressive paradise of Portland, no candidate is too woke for them. Urban libs elect Oregon state leaders, not the rural voters.

Disclaimer: Current Guv, Kate Brown, claims to be bisexual and married to a man. I don’t know if her claim to be bi was just a campaign tactic or she really is a carpet-muncher. I wouldn’t be surprised if either is true but I have no doubt her ambiguous sexuality was one of the reasons urban voters elected her.

N.S.: Tina Kotek is also a fanatical “climate change” proponent. Her positions are giveaways that one is a Marxist. At first, Marxists spoke of “anthropogenic global warming,” “global warming,” for short. However, after somebody hacked the email accounts of a couple of “scientists” who were frank with each other about the scam, their comrades re-branded the scam as “climate change.”

However, you didn’t have to know about the emails to know that “climate change” is a gigantic scam:

• The demands that economies be sent back to the Stone Age were only made of First-World countries, not the world’s worst industrial polluters, Red China and India;

• Submitting to said demands would cause mass starvation and such poverty that people would wish they were dead, while having negligible effect on the environmental indices that the activists claim to care about;

• The “climate change” scamsters would eliminate civil liberties and science;

• Leading “climate change” scamsters such as Al Gore (who had already sought to steal the 2000 presidential election), created a fake a parallel economy of “carbon credits,” designed to make them fabulously rich; and

• The privations would not apply to the scamsters, who would continue to fly around in their own private jets, and maintain multiple, energy-wasting, luxury homes.


  1. >(who had already sought to steal the 2000 presidential election)

    I'm not sure Gore's requests to recount the vote in FL (where the election was extremely close) can be fairly characterized as an attempt to 'steal the 2000 presidential election'.

    Anyway, considering developments since then, especially passage of the Patriot Act and creation of the national security surveillance state, the endless, and endlessly idiotic, 'War on Terror', including the invasion of Iraq (based on the infamous WMD lie), among other things, I wouldn't mind turning the clock back and taking my chances with a Gore presidency.

  2. jerry pdx
    Also, so called "green energies", are not "green", they have an environmental cost comparable to whatever they replace. The vast amount of speculative wealth in the hands billionaires, multi nationals and the big banks gives them power and influence, enough to challenge the old guard energy industry and push for massive reinvestment into new technologies and building of new infrastructures. This causes a flow of wealth into the speculation wealth markets further enriching the already obscenely wealthy. All Woke/prog political leaders are 100% behind this agenda of helping the richest men and corporate entities in the world to get richer, in their delusion they think fighting the old energy industry is going to save the world. Not only that, they want to open the borders. Imagine the massive rebuilding of energy infrastructures that are as dirty as the old ones and 3/4's of a billion turd worlders in the US in the next 8 or 9 decades or so. Save the world my ass.

  3. Kotek--or Kotex?Both wind up in women's vaginas.


  4. That area in Oregon from Portland to Eugene perhaps almost in a state of rebellion against all federal government. Never going to be better. The rest of the state hardly thinks like Portland does.
