Sunday, April 24, 2022

“Jonathan Turley: Absolutely No Grounds for Impeaching Clarence Thomas”

By N.S.

“Arguments ‘entirely disconnected from any constitutional or logical foundation’”


  1. Not that the Dems have "weaponized" impeachment anyone can be impeached for any reason. It is not supposed to be but has become so.

  2. I agree--anyone can be impeached and the reason is irrelevant. So why don't Republicans have the balls to do it? When the Republicans capture Congress I would like to see all the clowns on the Supreme Court impeached except for the great Clarence Thomas and those who generally vote with him--Alito and Gorsuch.

  3. The whole thing was more or less decided over two hundred years ago. Impeaching a Associate Justice of the Supreme Court a bad idea. No more independent judiciary. Justices can only be removed if they commit a felony, etc. Not for their ideas however you don't like them.

  4. We don't have an independent judiciary--votes are obviously political--like Robert's rewriting the law to approve Obamacare. And half the court votes for whatever the leftist Democrats want--some independence! And Ann Coulter, who I believe was a clerk to a Supreme Court judge says the CAN be impeached. I say impeach them for obviously violating the Constitution.
