Saturday, April 23, 2022

"EXCLUSIVE: NYC's elite are in a tizzy after Justice Department 'inadvertently' publishes list of 121 'clients' - including lawyers, businessmen, and socialites - who solicited Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult victim' who was forced [sic] into prostitution"

By R.C.
Sat, Apr 23, 2022 10:50 a.m.

"EXCLUSIVE: NYC's elite are in a tizzy after Justice Department 'inadvertently' publishes list of 121 'clients' - including lawyers, businessmen, and socialites - who solicited Sarah Lawrence 'sex cult victim' who was forced [sic] into prostitution"



  1. Alleged cult victim Claudia Drury, 31, took the stand Friday and Monday to tell jurors how she was forced into prostitution by accused leader Larry Ray, 62

    How does one 'force' a young woman into prostitution? -- especially one with (presumably) the wherewithal to matriculate at Sarah Lawrence? -- while I don't think SL is particularly selective (they were one of the first, if not the first, college in the US to drop taking the SAT as an admissions requirement), I don't think you'll find too many lowbrow idiots there -- and it does cost $60k/year in tuition alone to attend (link), so her family must have means.

    Has some of the earmarks of a 'honeypot' operation ala Epstein/Maxwell.


  2. Having a relative who graduated from Harvard and came out thinking that no black politicians were crooks because they care about their bros and no one should be allowed to make more than $25,000 a year, I'd say that these "elite" colleges are full of idiots. Remember when W.F. Buckley said something like he would rather be governed by the first 500 people in the telephone book than the faculty at Harvard? Well I would rather be governed by the first 500 truck drivers in the freedom rally than the graduates of "elite" schools. There is a difference between a high IQ determined by tests or grades earned regurgitating propaganda and real sense. Reagan was a C student but he wrote his own radio addresses each week and they were excellent. One can name any number of public figures who graduated from "elite" schools and I wouldn't trust their judgement on anything. It is high time to replace the broken university system with something better.
