Sunday, April 24, 2022

Criminal Regime of Fake President Joe Biden’s Campaign of Intimidation against Employers, and on Behalf of Illegal Aliens

By N.S.

“Biden Regime Punishes UPS For Making Certain Its Employee Aren’t Illegal Aliens”


  1. link

    UPS asked for the additional documents after getting a data entry error notification from the propriety software program the company uses to verify workers' authorization to work, the department said in the statement. ... "When UPS received the notification, the company asked the worker for additional documents instead of checking for a simple data entry error, as the company did when it received such notices for U.S. citizen workers," the Justice Department added.

    Two questions: 1) How did (something as trivial as) this case come to the attention of the DoJ?, 2) How does the DoJ know how UPS handled 'data entry errors' when it happened for US citizens? -- also: what is a 'data entry error' in this case? -- how often do such 'data entry errors' happen? -- can they be deliberately provoked?

    This smells like a setup -- it's known the EEOC goes fishing for race-centered violations by sending in test subjects -- and make no mistake: this is about race, the subject is non-white.

    >Under the settlement, UPS will pay a civil penalty

    The government is like a mafia extortion racket -- too bad UPS settled: they should have demanded a jury trial.

  2. UPS will not disobey their commie masters(compadres?).I searched--to find the article--but it wasn't seen by any search engine. I'm not up on the CEO's views of illegal immigration,but I always think of situations like this as being a "good cop,bad cop" routine--and the company feigning opposition to the situation,in order to be publicly directed by government to behave a certain way--and therefore,becoming immune to criticism.

    "We're just doing what we're told."


  3. This case involved a simple check of employment eligibility, i.e. whether a candidate can legally work in the US.

    In the not-too-distant future, and with certain more sensitive jobs excepted, they will make it illegal to do a criminal background check -- with 30+% of black males being convicted felons, and the white population and white political power/influence shrinking, I see such a step as inevitable.

  4. jerry pdx
    They may well elect another lesbian Governor for Portland OR. Leading Dem candidate appears to be Tina Kotek, a butch lesbian whose campaign platform checks off on every diversity/prog/Woke issue. I ask people I know if they think she's going to to a damn thing for regular White middle class folks and they just look confused and respond with nonsense like: "Well, we have to do more for blacks, homeless, immigrants and gay people blah blah". Her TV commercials loudly proclaim she's a if sexual dysfunction is something to be proud of.

    I tell them that she believes White middle class people are rich, privileged and have too much already so need to give more. Not only that, one of her primary issues will be pushing homosexual propaganda to your children in school, especially lesbian programming directed at your daughters. Doesn't matter though, in the progressive paradise of Portland, no candidate is too Woke for them. Urban libs elect OR State leaders, not the rural voters.

    Disclaimer: Current Guv is Kate Brown claims to be bisexual and married to a man. I don't know if her claim to be bi was just a campaign tactic or she really is a carpet muncher. I wouldn't be surprised if either is true but I have no doubt her ambiguous sexuality was one of the reasons urban voters elected her.

  5. "WE" have to do more for blacks,queers etal?What about doing it yourself?
    I know--dumb,unwoke question.

    I know Jerry has the same opinion as I do,but what the hell happened to self-reliance?



  6. >They may well elect another lesbian Governor for Portland OR

    Portland is a city, so it has a mayor -- Oregon is a state, and has a governor -- Salem is the capital of Oregon.

    >urban voters elected her

    Oregon and Washington have the same problem in that elections for both statewide (governor etc) and federal (senator, president) office tend to be dominated by densely populated urban and suburban areas: e.g. in WA Seattle/Tacoma;, in OR Portland (also Eugene) -- the rural areas of both states, which comprise by far most of the geographic area, are solidly red, while the urban/suburban areas are solidly blue.

    >Tina Kotek


    Born and raised in York, Pennsylvania, Kotek attended Dallastown Area High School. She moved to Oregon in 1987, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in religious studies from the University of Oregon. She then went on to graduate study at the University of Washington, earning a master’s degree in international studies.

    It seems America's fate is to be governed into ruin by mediocre, consensus-/approval-seeking women with otherwise useless liberal arts degrees.

    There's a reason the vote was withheld from women for so long.

  7. - "the rural areas of both states, which comprise by far most of the geographic area, are solidly red, while the urban/suburban areas are solidly blue."

    That is how the voting pattern is for the entire country. Certain urban areas all blue and always will be. The rest of the state such as OR, CA, WA solid red. Conservative.
