Wednesday, January 05, 2022

“Reparations Medicine”: The new york post Finally Fires a Shot Across the Bow of the White Genocide Project!

By N.S.

“If You’re the Wrong Race, the Push for Health-Care ‘Equity’ Could Kill You”
By Betsy McCaughey

“If you’re white and middle class, the push for health-care ‘equity’ could kill you.

“Prominent medical organizations and the Biden administration are pressing for rules that will move ‘disadvantaged’ populations to the front of the line for scarce medical resources — think vaccines, ventilators, monoclonal antibody treatments. That means everyone else waits longer, in some cases too long.

“If the public doesn’t push back soon, getting fair treatment in the hospital will become as hard as getting into college or getting hired on your own merits can be….”


Anonymous said...

One shot doesn't do a thing if you're drinking--same here.


Anonymous said...

“If the public doesn’t push back soon, getting fair treatment in the hospital will become as hard as getting into college or getting hired on your own merits can be….”

GRA:Whites aren't organized enough to "push back".If a few do,they're called "racists". We need hundreds of thousands and millions of Whites to coordinate a response.That many will NOT be called racist--maybe terrorists--but not racist,lol.

While we're at it,let's push back against MSM--as long as we're fighting back,let's retake our airwaves too--physically if need be--and I think it is.

Anonymous said...

This cannot possibly be legal. Needs to be challenged in court now.

"One shot doesn't do a thing if you're drinking--same here."

Nor does doing drugs, smoking, using violence, shitty diet, bad mental attitude, etc.