Sunday, January 02, 2022

Lying to Further the “Narrative” is No Vice

[“Confronting Farrakhan, er, Adams.”]

By Eahilf
Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 4:41:00 A.M. EST

Eric Adams: “At 15 years old, I was beaten inside the 103rd Precinct”

Think “hate” hoaxes:

Lying to further the “narrative” is no vice.

Or something like that.


  1. Most of the left are atheists. Morals are relative to them. All depends on the circumstances. If you are a poor negro for instance, you stealing is not so bad, you is so po' and o-pressed.

  2. For the record, I don't know if Adams is lying or not -- but plenty of people do lie to 'further the narrative', Jussie Smollett being only a recent and spectacular example.

  3. Quick tutorial on whether or not Adams is lying:

    1.)All blacks lie(much more than any other race and almost constantly)

    2.)Adams is black.

    3.)Therefore,Adams is lying.


  4. All based on the 1964 pronouncement of Barry Goldwater. " [1] Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And [2] moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "

    # 1 always quoted but not never #2.

  5. Of course Adams was a member of Nation of Islam. No doubt continues to have associations with them.
    When I worked at the most corrupt NYC Agency, the horribly ignorant and hostile black co workers were Muslims, which meant they were Nation of Islam. These people were not qualified to do anything and were proud of the slaves mentality towards their labor. Do as little as possible and sabotage white co workers at every chance, in any way.

    Thanks to affirmative action being black was all they needed to get a paycheck funded by the very country and people they hate.
    There should be an investigation into any Nation of Islam companies that has contracts with NYC Agencies. A lot of these are security guards in the DSS offices.
