Sunday, January 02, 2022

Deadliest US City Records Most Murders Since 1990s

By R.C.
Sun, Jan 2, 2022 8:48 p.m.

Deadliest US City Records Most Murders Since 1990s

2021 was Chicago's deadliest year in 25 years, according to new statistics. Nearly 800 homicides and over 3,500 ...

R.C.: Yeah, but Killadelphia ain't far behind.


  1. Chief of Police old Brownie has a secret plan to cut the murder rate dramatically. But we are waiting. I guess the plan is so secret old Brownie doesn't even know what it is.

  2. >Deadliest US city

    I guess it depends on how one defines 'deadly' -- personally, it seems to me using the rate, e.g. homicides per 100k residents/population, is a better indication of 'deadliness' than the absolute number of homicides -- using that criterion, Chicago is, per the reckoning of CBS a few years ago, the 28th 'deadliest' city in the US:

    Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities -- Here are murder rates in 65 major U.S. cities (cities with greater than 100,000 residents) for 2019.

    Generally, Baltimore (64.54/100k) and St Louis (58.27/100k) have the highest murder rates -- I doubt Chicago could´or would have jumped from #28 to #1 since 2019.

    For comparison, per the World Bank (link) the murder rate in South Africa was approx 36/100k in 2017 -- looking at the CBS data, if SA was a US city it would be between #5 Dayton OH (34.18/100k), and #4 Detroit (41.45/100k).

  3. black murder records are made to be broken...over and over again.

