Sunday, January 02, 2022

Loud Noise Call Leads to Felony Arrests: This is Reason #1,900,371 Why the Colored Criminal Confederation (Including Police Chiefs) Doesn’t Want Police Responding to “Low-Level” (or High-Level!) Calls

By N.S.

Note that the police spox did not refer to “suspects” or “alleged suspects,” but to “dangerous criminals.”

A “backward” small town.


Anonymous said...

Career criminals by and large and are properly understood just don't obey any laws no matter what. Just their true and basic nature.

jeigheff said...

I'm glad the arresting police officers survived the experience.

In the past, only a few times, I've reluctantly called the police on neighbors playing loud music in our old Austin, Texas neighborhood. I was hesitant because I felt that the police had more serious crime to deal with. Reading this makes me realize that noise-makers might be up to more mischief than meets the eye.

Alcohol and even substance abuse motivated many, if not most, of the "partiers" I have encountered in the past.

Anonymous said...

"Ethan Arroyo, 21, 19-year-old Sandro Soto, and a 17-year-old young man were arrested. "

Amigo, why you make so much noise? And the immigration status is?

Anonymous said...

Of course they are up to no good. I would never confront my drug using or drug dealing neighbors who were blasting music from midnight to 4 am every single night. If someone is that inconsiderate, they just don't care about any one else. These are dangerous people. They had no concern for babies, young children, old people, anyone sick, anyone who had to get up at 5 am for work.
That tells you a lot about why they think they can get away with being that destructive to their entire block. I read a study that said people making very loud noise "music" are enlarging the sphere they have control over. They are letting you know they are commandeering the neighborhood. it's belongs to them not you. Who ever you maybe.

The very day I finally got the City to clean graffiti off the house I lived in the deranged young black and Spanish employees of the drug dealers marched up and down the small block in the middle of the street yelling, Who's block? Our block. over and over again. Animals. these were the same people blasting the music.