Saturday, January 29, 2022

How One PA “news” operation and police department Celebrated MLK Day: By Hunting for Whites Who Had Committed No Crimes

By Nicholas Stix

The black cbs philly news reader Ulysses Samuel “Ukee” Washington III intoned, “Tonight, police on the Main Line are investigating a disturbing find, stickers advocating white supremacy. Eyewitness News (black) reporter Jasmine Payoute visits Ardmore, where many are outraged tonight. Jasmine.”

(Washington’s intro, like the rest of the “report,” was pure editorializing. At no point did he or black fake news reporter Jasmine Payoute explain how criticizing racist murders of whites and anti-white ideologies, and saying “White lives matter” makes one guilty of having a “White supremacist” ideology.)

Payoute: “Ukee, those stickers were placed on street signs all throughout the main line. Residents say, on MLK Day 2022, this shows there’s still a lot of work to be done.”

Payoute, who sounded as if she were ready to break down in tears, interviewed some Whites, but only “allies,” who mirrored the views of her newsroom.

“‘I don’t know what’s surprising anymore, honestly,’ Gabby Van Hollander said, ‘and it makes me really sad to say that I wish I could say it was.’”

“‘My understanding is that most of them hate-based, White nationalists organizations,’ Micah Sneed said, ‘and really, they’re not trying to be obvious, they’re actually trying to catch people’s attention, so it’s more of a recruiting tool.’”

“Sneed is the president of the Ardmore Progressive Civic Association, a volunteer-based group in the area. He says the signs, which say things like ‘question the war’ and ‘diversity won’t bring me back,’ were seen from Ardmore to Havertown.”

N.S.: Note that neither the black fake news reporter nor the black newsreader provided any context. “Diversity won’t bring me back” accompanied a photograph of a murdered White boy. And since when do leftists demonize people who question our involvement in wars?

The sign says:

“Marxism is at the core of the anti-white narrative

“To deconstruct Marxism we must first learn how it came about.

“Watch Europa The Last Battle



“The Lower Merion Police Department is aware and is currently investigating.”

“The commissioner says every level of government has denounced this and criminal charges aren’t out of the question. [That’s not the police commissioner.]

(N.S.: What criminal charges? No laws were broken, except perhaps littering, but the speech is protected under the First Amendment. That makes the police investigation illegal.)

“‘We have to confront it. We can’t sit around and idly hope it away,’ [black] Commissioner Anthony Stevenson said.

“The community’s motto? Hate has no home here.”

At no time did Washington or Payoute mention the First Amendment, or speak to anyone who defended the civil liberties of whoever had posted the stickers. They left no doubt that, as far as they are concerned, Whites have no right to disagree with their racial politics.

Note that all black alleged journalists are affirmative action hires, and joined the black supremacist national association of black journalists while in college. College “j-schools” (journalism schools) function not to teach journalism, but to purge any heterosexual Whites guilty of “crime-think.” Meanwhile, the nabj and its black newsroom enforcers are responsible for maintaining the regime of blood libels against whites.

Hate has a home in every MSM newsroom.


  1. Philadelphia Police Department -- Most Wanted

    link -- Life in modern America for a White male is watching the local news outlets report on black murderers every day while the federal government calls you a terrorist

    And here's the ADL's new definition or racism -- link

  2. "No laws were broken, except perhaps littering,"

    YES, that is what they get you for. Littering.

    "Hate has no home here."

    Except for a Black Muslim temple I can think of no place where there is a home for "HATE". Whatever hate is?

  3. The nigs on-air are only as racist as the upper brass let them be--the GM,the CEO and the owner/syndicate.Find out who they are and call,text or e-mail.A few thousand Whiteys complaining might put a thought in their minds--at least shake their complacency.

    If possible,an organized protest.I know,but it's the only way--besides a physical takeover.



    GRA:Why?The more blacks permeate the police department in the city they run,the less attention they pay to the law(White law).The more years they control it,the less actual law enforcement they'll attempt.

    (PHIL.INQUIRER)As gun violence has spiked, two law enforcement trends in Philadelphia have overlapped: Police have arrested fewer people, and prosecutors have secured fewer convictions in court.

    In 2021, according to data published by the District Attorney’s Office, police arrested nearly 24,000 people for offenses ranging from murder to criminal mischief.

    That’s the lowest total in at least six years, and about 40% lower than the average number of annual arrests police made from 2015 to 2019.

    GRA:black groups have been saying it for years,"arresting blacks for crime is racist."Now that Whitey has allowed them to take over the big cities,the blacks that are supposed to stop crime,don't want to.

    But Whitey has a big target on his back for even the most minor of actions--like posting signs.


  5. After a quick search and check of census data:

    Pittsburgh is 65% white and had a homicide clearance rate of 71% in 2018 (link, this is above the national average) -- I could not find more recent data, but historically the clearance rate in Pittsburgh is above the national average.

    Philadelphia is 35% white and had a homicide clearance rate of only 37% in 2020 (link); this is below the national average.

    Generally, heavily black cities have 1) heavily black PDs, including leadership; 2) lots of homicides; and 3) homicide clearance rates well below average.

    What a surprise.

  6. "Pittsburgh is 65% white and had a homicide clearance rate of 71% in 2018"

    Pittsburgh metropolitan are the most whitey in America.

    Pittsburgh at one time the 9th most populace of American cities. NOW 50th. A tremendous drop in status.

  7. A small broadside that only speaks the truth, and White people's right to exist? Oh, the horror, the horror! What a bunch of virtue signaling hypocrites, grandstanding their self-righteous indignation.

    “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” ― George Orwell

    "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

    Who speaks for White people's self-interests, when no one is allowed to.

    It was never about equality. That was just a ruse to weaken Whites. It was always about diminishing White people's power, and self-interest, to eventually subjugate them.
