Saturday, January 29, 2022

Grand Rapids Anonymous Provides a Musical Answer to Neil Young

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 5:10:00 P.M. EST

Canadian Neil Young didn’t want his hundreds of songs to be played on Spotify, if Joe Rogan—an anti-vaxxer—was on there, too. Neil Young who, once upon a time, was all about freedom, is now for censorship of opinion and in favor of forced vaccines. In his “honor,” I present an opposing viewpoint (mine)—speaking to Neil—while using one of his most famous songs: “Heart of Gold.”

I want to live—you’d rather give,
—a killer vaccine for a common cold,
It’s my impression—you want to give,
—a killer vaccine for a common co-o-ld,
Just a common cold.

(Guitar, harmonica instrumental.)

Been told that I should,
Been told the jab’s good,
All this deception for a common cold,
I’ve thought in my mind,
It’s such a bad sign,
That I should worry ‘bout a common co-o-ld.

Just a common cold.


“Keep on vaxxing for a common cold,”
“Keep on boosting for a common cold,”
“Keep on vaxxing for a common cold,”
I will not worry ‘bout a common co-o-ld,



When Neil Young Sang in Support of Cop-Killing Racists and Rioters: “Chicago”: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Neil Young, “Just a Common Cold,” Live, 1971


  1. jerry pdx
    I previously posted a comment on this but mine merely stated: "Yesterday's counterculture hero is today's globalist stooge". GRA, as usual, had a much funnier and entertaining take on it, and right on the money. Neil Young takes himself wayyy too seriously and thinks he actually matters somehow. No, he had his heydey in the 70's, with some political impact on the youth of the day but the targets were easy and obvious like the Vietnam war, Nixon and the "civil rights" era being somewhat fresh in people's minds. Nowadays, things are a little more complex and Young's politics have evolved from hippie dippy liberal to Woke, which means he now openly supports the mega wealthy globalist agenda. He may be a great songwriter, but he's still a political dunce.

  2. I don't know exactly when,maybe it was the 1990s,when our liberal society decided to declare people over 50,60,70(choose an age)obsolete. It's only gotten more exclusionary.

    Before that,we had many celebrities who were "venerable" and still talented(i.e.Bob Hope,George Burns,Johnny Carson,John Wayne,Jimmy Stewart etc.)who were revered. When they died,we never replaced these national icons in our collective brains with other similarly talented people--mostly because there weren't many--Carlin and Rickles--and a couple others. That generation made us a great country.

    I was a Neil Young fanatic since my mid 20s--his work with Buffalo Springfield was both beautiful and powerful.His early songs like "Expecting to Fly" and "Down By The River",were as original as anything I'd heard--and that high pitched voice was the cherry on top. I never paid attention to his politics--I was totally oblivious--but his gestapo stance on vaccines is wrong. Still I don't want to write him off just because he's in his 70s--I think that's wrong too. It's the method that liberals/commies are currently attempting to silence conservative/MOR Whites with in general--and senior citizen Whites in particular.

    The only place where older Whites have a say anymore IS politics--but you have to be a communist in order to be heard.

    Young SHOULD STILL matter--as should Pat Buchanan,Victor Davis Hanson,Nicholas Stix and you and I.Young may be completely misguided about his beliefs--and I'll disagree with them vociferously--but society should not place an "age muzzle" on anyone(except Biden lol).


  3. ZH Comment:
    9 minutes ago.
    Ages 0-30... Who's Neil Young?

    Ages 31-60... Neil Young is still alive?

    Ages 61-up... What's Spotify?


  4. jerry pdx
    I had a conversation with a few 20 somethings at my place of employment about music artists. I asked them if they knew who Neil Young was...two said no, one said "A singer?"? Then I asked if they knew who Bob Dylan was, one said yes, the other two said never heard of him. Van Morrison? Nobody heard of him. I thought, OK, it's two girls, maybe they know Joni Mitchell, nope, nobody heard of her.

    So then I asked them if they knew who Kim Kardashian is..Oh yeah, we know who she is! then I asked if they knew who Justin Bieber is...enthusiastic nods of yes! Then I asked if they knew who Katy Perry is...Paris Hilton...Yes, of course, we know all aobut them!

    All I can say is the apocalypse is truly upon us.
