Sunday, January 02, 2022

Did America Save Civilization?

[“Be Careful What You Wish for.”]

By Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 7:48:00 P.M. EST

Of course, Stix is right: The U.S. did save civilization, because without the U.S. the world would be under either the Communist Russians or the Nazi Germans (or Japanese).

And that is only a matter of which gangsters were in power. Remember that Stalin killed FAR more than Hitler did.

Some think only Hitler killed Jews, but I remember reading about an American Jewish Communist who frequently visited Russia. One time he returned to Russia to find that all his Jewish friends had been liquidated. When the FBI finally contacted him for help fighting the Communists, his reply was, “Why have you waited so long [to ask].” As for the silly claim that the Russians—not Americans—were responsible for winning the war, although the Communists never officially acknowledged it, Stalin, Krushchev, and Marshall Zhukov each admitted at least once that without all the US Lend-Lease aid, Russia would have been defeated.

General Patton, who had a habit of being right and winning, was sure he could quickly defeat the Soviets—and that would have been a great thing (which is why some think Patton was murdered before he could return to the U.S. and spread the truth about Communists). Much of the world’s suffering—in Eastern Europe and Asia—could have been avoided, if the Communists had been defeated.

Finally, the Far Right are anti-communist—not racist, and not fascist. Right-wing Americans like the John Birch Society are for individual freedom. When my Asian wife became a citizen and a Republican delegate, a couple who had been high up in the John Birch Society befriended her and helped her. Both Communist and Fascist countries are places with no individual rights or freedom—only the top gangsters in the ruling party have any power—which is what the Democrat Party is trying to establish here now.


Anonymous said...

Correction:We temporarily saved civilization.


Anonymous said...

"Finally, the Far Right are anti-communist—not racist, and not fascist. "

Correct. Fascists and communists both are for big centralized government that controls every aspect of a persons life. Those on the "far-right" are opposed to such and want to make decisions for themselves without government interference.

Anonymous said...

John Birch was an American army officer sent as liaison to Mao at the very end of WW2. Was murdered. Same as Colonel Dewey with Ho Chic Minh at the end of WW2. Also murdered by the commies.