Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Covid after Vax, Country by Country

By Jesse Mossman
Wed, Oct 27, 2021 2:11 a.m.

Covid after Vax, Country by Country

Not for the first time, we see that Covid cases INCREASE after vax.


  1. link

    Jewish doctor on FDA COVID vaccine advisory panel says: 'We're never going to learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes.'

  2. link

    At the link is a short video of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern (who took the guns away fron NZers after the Christchurch shootings) explaining a vaccine pass/certificate is not just a way to increase vaccination rates, it's also about 'confidence' -- she says 'People who are vaccinated will want to know they're around other vaccinated people'.

    But if someone is vaccinated, why would they care whether the people around them are vaccinated or not? -- doesn't the vaccine protect the vaccinated? -- that's what it's for, right? -- the idiot interviewing her is too stupid to recognize the opportunity to ask her this very simple and obvious question.

    Look at her facial expressions as she talks, glibly admitting she will administratively ostracize the unvaccinated -- the woman is a fucking psychopath.

  3. Waterford, Ireland has 99.7% fully vaccinated. But it went from the lowest Covid rate to the highest in some of its electoral districts. As dumb lyin' Biden and his twin brother, Governor Jay Inslee coerce more people to get the clot shot, cases will only increase. The CDC admits the shot CANNOT prevent transmission and we have seen that it doesn't prevent infection, hospitalization, or death. The only justification for "vaccine" mandates is to increase drug company profits, satisfy the lust for power, and of course pay off the paid lackeys--which include scientists, journalists, and government officials. Some paranoid people think it is about population control. But if population control were the objective, what would they be doing differently??
