Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Alex Jones Breaks Down Bombshell OAN Interview of Pentagon Whistleblower, Dr. J. Michael Waller Revealing How a Pentagon Counterinsurgency Psyop Program was Illegally Used against the Trump Administration and Americans during Trump’s Presidency as We...

By R.C.
Tue, Oct 26, 2021 9:55 p.m.

Alex Jones Breaks Down Bombshell OAN Interview of Pentagon Whistleblower, Dr. J. Michael Waller Revealing How a Pentagon Counterinsurgency Psyop Program was Illegally Used against the Trump Administration and Americans during Trump’s Presidency as We...

R.C.: Of course, the Pentagon did this.

Trump wanted to yank away their pig trough known as “the war on terror” in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Think General Milley.


  1. Trump wanted to yank away their pig trough known as “the war on terror” in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    Yeah, poor guy -- president and commander-in-chief for 4 years, but for some reason he just couldn't do it: he couldn't get the US out of Afghanistan, Syria, or anywhere else -- he wanted to though.

    He was in office only a few weeks before lobbing cruise missiles into Syria after yet another phony Assad 'gassed his own people' psyop.

    He OK'd the murder of an Iranian general.

    And actually it's an open question whether Blumpf bleated more often about 'lowest black unemployment ever' or building up the military.

    Trumptards are the worst.

  2. They don't need guns anymore to do a coup. All they need is a computer.

  3. Illegal? Probably so. And very dangerous too. Psy-ops supposed to be reserved only against adversaries foreign, not domestic.
