Sunday, August 01, 2021

South Africa: Leftist Mob Attacking Senior Center Stopped by Local Militia

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Aug 1, 2021 12:29 a.m.

South Africa: Leftist Mob Attacking Senior Center Stopped by Local Militia

ATR: Interesting.

I was just at The Irishman a few hours ago:

It’s owned by a Jewish immigrant from South Africa.

Lynn, a Christian high school classmate of the owner, was one of the managers on duty this evening.

I was having dinner at the bar when a young woman sitting next to me introduced herself. Apparently, she and her husband, an American, knew some of the other patrons.

She was personable. Asked me my name, etc.

I responded, “You’re from South Africa.”

She had an accent but hard to discern, as she had spent many years in the States.

She said that I was one of only two persons in this country to ever guess her accent.

I then flagged down Lynn, the manager, and introduced her to the young woman.

Lynn is from Johannesburg. The young woman from Cape Town.

They got along famously.

Apparently, South Africans stick together.

It’s no wonder, as South Africa devolves to the sub-Saharan mean.

N.S.: Is this to be the future for White Americans, encountering each other as ex-pats in exile saloons, all over the world?

1 comment:

  1. Listen to the frenzied brute with the bullhorn. You cannot even understand the brute he is so overwhelmed with himself. Blacks like to shout and use a bullhorn. Their reasoning is merely shouting and spewing words meaningless.
