Sunday, August 01, 2021

Mudshark Alert! Corruption in the NHL? Player Gambling, and Throwing Games?

By "W"
Sun, Aug 1, 2021 4:17 a.m.

Mudshark Alert! Corruption in NHL?

"W": White wife of dusky pro-hockey player accuses him of throwing games to help pay off his huge gambling debts:

I quit following hockey when they all took a knee for the blm fraudsters. No more $80 seats via stubhub. That would be X2=$160 to watch the Washington Capitols on a mid-week night.


  1. Lol,fighting over a nig*er.THAT was the wife's first mistake--getting involved with one,in the first place.

    She receives zero sympathy from me.


  2. YEP. Great danger for the pro athlete. Drug habit, gambling habit, you can get yourself in a lotta trouble and fast.

    That was the biggest problem with M. Vick and the dog fighting scandal. Big time money bet on those dog fights. Mike probably was in serious debt beside what he did to the dogs. That is never discussed.
