Tuesday, August 03, 2021

More Totally Normal Behavior (Obscene Video, NSFW)

By R.C.

S—t, Uncle Sam has been doing this to me for decades.


An Angry White Male


  1. Has Uncle Sam has changed his name to Uncle Sambo?It looks like it these days.

    The new America.

  2. Training to make more welfare babies, future gangbangers, and DemoRat voters. AND it also serves as rape training.

  3. The true and basic nature of the race on display? For me corrupting little kids as they do is hard to watch, even as I dislike them as a race. There is no hope I am telling you. Do I even need to tell you?

  4. jerry pdx
    Behavior of children who have almost certainly been sexually abused by adults. Incest is rife in the black community but it's stereotyped by the media and blacks that it's "Whitey's thing". Black men (and hispanic) are far more likely than white men to sexually abuse children.
