Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Is The Birth of a Nation the Greatest Movie Ever Made? See It Complete, for Free, and Without Commercial Interruption, at WEJB/NSU!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

D.W. Griffith (1875-1948) practically invented feature-length moviemaking, in terms of pioneering techniques that otherwise would have taken years longer to perfect (dissolves, cross-cutting, ambitious set-building).

Youtube OP: “Which is why the Confederate flag evokes so much fear for minorities, which were the frequent target of murder (lynching) that was fully permitted by said States.”

N.S.: Liar. The Confederate Battle Flag doesn’t evoke any fear in blacks, who were not frequently targeted for “murder.”

Next thing, you’ll say that Emmett Till was “lynched” for “whistling at a white woman.”


OP: “This film is one of the reasons for the ‘lazy, criminal rapist black men’ stereotypes that still pervade American popular culture to some degree today. Let’s use this as a learning tool to improve racial harmony. Get to the root of the myth.”

N.S.: That’s two more lies. This film isn’t responsible for any “stereotypes,” because virtually nobody alive today has seen it. The basis for said stereotype is that it is true.

In Soul on Ice, Eldridge Cleaver bragged about raping White women. black men rape White women at such an astronomically high rate, that when the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” was inaugurated president, one of the first acts of his criminal general, Eric Holder, was to hide all the black male-on-White-female rape stats. (The rate of White-male-on-black-female rape is so low as to be statistically non-existent.)

Look up Channon Christian, Anne Pressly, and Jessica Chambers, and Larry Auster’s classic report, “The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States.”


1 comment:

  1. "The bringing of the African to America sowed the first seed of disunion."

    GRA:"Said" in the first 10 seconds,it is even a more cogent observation today.

