Saturday, April 24, 2021

White Children, black Babysitters: What’s Wrong with This Picture?

[Re: “black ‘babysitter’ Kills White 1-Year-Old.”]

By Anonymous (Not by that Anonymous, by this Anonymous!)
Friday, April 23, 2021 at 10:57:00 A.M. EDT

So many times I see abused White children with their black babysitters. The kids are being screamed at; when they cry, they are ignored, verbally abused, or horribly shamed for what babies do-they cry.

Go to a clothing or department store, say about 11 a.m., there will be a group of black Caribbean baby-sitters trying on clothes, shopping, and socializing. The children they are paid to watch are totally ignored, fidgeting in expensive strollers.

Are there no White baby-sitters available? Why won’t parents hire people who look like their children?

I worked in a daycare center with a majority of black, mostly Caribbean women. Of course, the children bonded with me. I was kind to them. Our supervisor, a hostile, uneducated Dominican woman, would scream at children ages of six to eighteen months if they didn’t eat their lunch fast enough.

No crime being uneducated, but ignorant is another matter. She stood over their high chairs screaming, “Eat, eat!”

Who would eat with such a monster standing over him? I get indigestion remembering it.

It gets better. “If you vomit that up, I’ll make you eat the vomit,” yelled the woman who was responsible for the children of wealthy people who owned banks, financial companies, etc. She kept telling us how rich the parents were. Her hatred of whites was so transparent.

Then there was Shirley, the black single mother of two boys, recipient of housing subsidies, who came on at 4 p.m. She got on the landline phone from the minute she arrived in the room until she left an hour later.

I was taking care of the children, doing both our jobs, while she was screaming curses, threats, and her general personal business at her sons and other family members at extremely high volume. Once I asked Shirley if she had a hearing problem, which she was mightily offended by. Who in their right mind would leave their children with that scum? I wish the parents knew how their children were being treated.

Moral of the story: Don’t leave your child with a black person.



  1. Putting blacks in charge of anything--or ANYONE--begs for disaster.Placing a black in charge of a White senior citizen in a nursing home or babysitting a White child is tantamount to killing that senior or child yourself.


  2. That used to be a big think in the old South Africa. The black nanny raising the white child. I guess it worked there? Not here [USA] it will.
