Thursday, February 18, 2021

World's Oldest DNA Recovered

By "W"
Thu, Feb 18, 2021 2:38 p.m.

World's Oldest DNA Recovered

A woolly-mammoth in Siberia

in today's WSJ:

"...with some researchers wondering if it might be possible to bring them back to life."

N.S.: So they just couldn't resist adding an imbecilic line.



Anonymous said...

Anthony Quinn's,I know.


Anonymous said...

Please bring them back to life. Let them stampede the ghetto as you would see in a Tarzan move.

Anonymous said...

Yes, cloned mini mammoths would make great house pets--with all that hair they could be really good for cuddling--also good for reaching things on top shelves. And Neanderthals should also be cloned and introduced in America. But wait, I have been reading that Neanderthals had white skin and freckles--and many had long, straight and red hair. Having lived in Northern climates for several hundred thousand years, they were the original white people--and modern humans may have gotten their complexions and hair from romance with them--Africans don't have Neanderthal genes. So that would never do--can't have more white folks and with their thicker bones and more massive bodies, they could take over muscle sports like football or boxing. That would never do when our national goal is to eliminate everyone who is not a "person of color."