Sunday, February 21, 2021

Racist Company, Coca Cola, Demands that White Employees be "Less White"

By Merlin
Sun, Feb 21, 2021 9:58 p.m.

Racist Company, Coca Cola, Implores White Employees to be "Less White"

How much more explicitly racist could that possibly be?

I don't know if these "woke" enterprises  like Coca Cola, realize how racist they are acting, or, if they just don't give a s--t about it,  as they seek favors from our new corrupt, DC government.
I just find it so ironic that these neo-racists are calling other people racists, just based on skin color. MLK; his message, completely lost, must spinning in his grave [N.S.: Oh, no, he isn't!]. Can you imagine if corporations ask blacks to be less black?  Can you imagine the enormous outcry?  And rightly so.

There is a gigantic double standard in this country, it is obvious, and it is rapidly growing worse.  Unabated, this could lead to a dissolution of the nation with serious consequences for anyone who cannot escape.

We're not exactly living on the Love Boat in these awful days.  There is a lot of growing fear, insecurity,  violence and instability in this nation, and we know EXACTLY where it is coming from.....don't we?

Any White person who supports a racist political party determined to destroy them, really does need his head examined. A proctologist visit may also be advised, just in case they're enjoying being kicked in the butt over something they have no control over - the skin color of their birth.

We're having a St. Patrick's Day party soon, and I wonder if it will be canceled because St. Patrick was white and if word gets out, someone might contact blm and they might burn the house down, as they have so many other places. 

When Race isn't a Social Construct, but Something to Bludgeon White People with on a Never-Ending Basis: Coca-Cola Forces Employees to "Try to be Less White"

It's time to put down the sugary beverage for good. Doesn't matter if it's Coca-Cola or Pepsi, the participants in the so-called Cola Wars will always side with the anti-white zeitgiest regardless of the corporation.
Not only is Coca-Cola a carcinogen and responsible for heart disease and diabetes, but it's a company dedicated to promoting the racist anti-white mindset among those employed with the Atlanta-based entity. [Report: Coca-Cola Forcing Employees To Complete Training 'To Be Less White', February 19, 2021]:
If you are reading this while drinking a can of Coke, may I suggest a Pepsi?
Friday, images leaked online of an alleged internal whistleblower at Coca-Cola showing that the company made its employees complete a racist training program with the goal to be, wait for it, "less white."
OutKick has reached out to Coca-Cola for confirmation and comment on the reports. OutKick will update this story if and when Coke returns our emails and calls. Warning to the readers: no comments and ignored requests are comments, powerful comments.
Unfortunately, a major company stooping to this level wouldn't be surprising. As I've warned for months, our country is inching toward a place where high-ranking executives see citizens only by their skin color, their individuality be damned. What's worse, it's spreading rapidly through our country's schools (many over Zoom, of course). This week, a disgraceful New York school sent parents a "white identities" chart to find their level of whiteness. If they are too white, they may have to apologize and self-punish.
This is happening all over, in schools, in offices, in media, in Hollywood, and of course, in Silicon Valley.
Yes, Coca-Cola wants its employees to be "less white."
Race, we are told, is a social construct. Yet every institution – public or private – in America is dedicated to promoting the anti-White mindset on a 24/7/365 basis.
Race is very, very real. Equality is the social construct. Thus the sole reason why every institution perpetuates anti-White hatred.
Put down the Coca-Cola for good.


  1. jerry pdx
    Personally, I never liked soda's and never drank Coke, Pepsi or whatever. So I've always boycotted them anyways just due to lifestyle. Glad for that though, it's just sugar water with a few flavorings. Amazing a company can be so powerful selling something so useless and simple but coke is one of the richest and most influential companies in the world.

  2. "Put down the Coca-Cola for good."

    Boycott them. Hurt them bad. That is what is needed.

  3. Coca Cola deserves employees to be less White and more black. Coke employees should start stealing everything in the plant which isn't welded down. They should regularly chimp out and trash the place. Then they should do some rapes and murders. Until employees duplicate the per capital crime rate of Chicago, they are simply acting too white.

  4. "Less White?"

    That is,become more murderous,less responsible,lazier,lie more,complain about their lot in life,ask for more government assistance,be more filthy,take more drugs,congregate at houses without masks,steal a greater number of cars,be less ingenuitive,stop paying rent and bills on time,lower their IQ,fake more workmen's compensation claims,ruin every neighborhood they live in,treat women like garbage and finally--become a brainless animal.

    Is that what Coca Cola wants?

